
Started by cypress, June 29, 2016, 09:11:19 PM

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Thanks Sonia. I might be able to sneak a week in later on this summer, we'll see. If I do I'll hope and pray it won't be jinxed again! 

John & Dot. I am devastated, but I'll get my head around it ...eventually :-). I'm going to miss not seeing you both this year and I was so looking forward to playing a small part in your big celebration. I've got a card for you here. Have the most wonderful time in my paradise, enjoy every single minute. Which I already know you both will.

Arillas seems to be looking especially beautiful right now, any pictures you fancy taking will be appreciated? You know I love your pictures, I've pinched a few in my time :-)  xxx 

Ann K

Have just seen this thread and can understand why you're so heartbroken.  Karen and Harold - it happened to us too last August, just two days before we were due to leave for Arillas, Paul got ill and ended up in hospital.  We were devastated.  However, he improved but not time enough to go last year and still not well but we are booked for July (fingers crossed).  Also, slightly off thread but I got taken ill in February and missed my granddaughter's wedding.  That was heartbreak off the scale :(  So, I can only hope this sort of luck doesn't come in threes!
Ann x


Oh Karen so sad for you,  how devastating,  think if it wasn't for bad luck,  you would have no luck at all!  Rest up and keep hoping for a visit later in the year. You need a holiday so much, it will happen.
Cheryl O

Jo Wissett

I think all of us who regularly keep up with the forum will know how totally devastated you must be Karen. I was so excited to hear about your return visit as I'm sure everyone was. Your health though must take priority and just the thought of July may just give you enough strength to get there and even better we go end of July so may just be able to help toast your return xx

Sandy x

So sorry to hear this Karen. What rotten luck....I know how much you were looking forward to it having missed out last year. You will be missed xx
Sandy x


Sorry Jen and I appear to be missing from the replies. I thought I had posted. As I read your post I shouted out to Jen (who was waddling back from the loo) about the terrible luck. Twice???? Ours was known in advance and feels terrible - no Arillas for a year. But yours is now two. I think we all understand how bad that is for you.

Our love and best wishes Karen. Sympathy is not enough....

Val n Bill

Having just returned from two fabulous weeks Karen we know how you must be feeling, having to miss your time in Arillas yet again must be really heartbreaking for you but, your health comes first.
You WILL return  very soon we hope.
  Val x
The love affair continues.


I cannot believe your holiday is over and you are home already Val. I was looking for your Arillas today update. Not long til you go again though eh?

Val n Bill

Home for a month and back for two weeks 15th June and hopefully two weeks September. We are lucky Sonia I know, but it's only because Bill has a good retirement pension.

Karen, Phil and Jen I will be thinking of you all and hopefully you will all book at the earliest opportunity when good health returns.

   Val x
The love affair continues.


Thanks so much for your kind words everyone. 

Ann, missing your granddaughters wedding must have been awful, I feel for you. That's an important life event that we don't get another chance at, at least Arillas will be there for my next visit.

Phil, Jen's waddling? Will you tell her I hope she's doing well and continuing to get Arillas fit? Love to you both x



Karen ...wish you were here with us.
Speaking to Bobby Bardis today and he sends his love and wishes you a speedy recovery.... he was sorry to hear this latest news especially following last year's set back


John, that's just brought a happy tear to my eye. If you happen to see Bobby again will you tell him thank you ..... and that the next time I come to Arillas, I'm staying there for good - then I can't get stuck here again, can I??!

Wish I was there with you both too xx