Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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So Phil n Jen,
Quiz question here.
Who wrote / sang that song "50 ways to leave your Luvver"?

Or was it "50 ways to leave your Liver"? - Hee Hee!

Bugger! - I B goin up top field now to dig those tatties.

Arillas Today brings us, still, 28 deg at 5 pm ish but we did have a small shower at 1 ish.
Severe weather is targeted for tonite so lock up yer Punto people!

Cheryl and James and Julie are here safely and non delayed and Darts is the name of the game tonite. (James done me 2-0 already)

Fun will be had by all, except me if I lose again, and Arillas is still looking good (goog) and treating all guests with the respect they deserve.
- Still not many places to put Punto - WOTSTHATALLABOUT?

Be Well peeps


Good to hear that Cheryl and James got there ok! Hold on to your Punto Eggy dearest and have a cold beverage for me ;)
Life is good ;)


At 6:30 tonite those noisy skies have opened up and we are being bombarded with heavy wet stuff!

2 of our 3 cats have decided that inside is the place to be and are trying to make friends and influence us both in the hope we don't kick them out at the end of the evening.
Our 3rd moggy, Megg, who tends to vanish for 48 hours at a time is probably an hour away somewhere thinking - "WOTTAMISTAKATOMAKA"
She will, no doubt, turn up later as the soggiest puss you will ever see and demand to be wiped dry. Will we do that? - Well Weggs will as I am 'sposed to be out for a darts night.

The thunder makes not only the house shake but Wegg's knees quiver slightly but it's all exciting stuff. Nature is saying- " North Corfu , you've had it all your own way since May and now it's payback time. "
What nature forgets is that all us locals welcome this onslaught to get our gardens back up to scratch (Weeds may grow up a metre overnight though!)

This little burst of Nature will not affect our guests one little bit, especially those UK pals who have seen worst than this over the last few months back in dear 'ole blighty.

Tis all good fun and , maybe tomorrow, people will say -


Val n Bill

Dear God Neill what have you been dieting for!!!
Wegg give him a good feed, he looks like he will be washed down the drain if it keeps raining. Lol

                    Val x
The love affair continues.


Let's make no "bones" about it Val, I'm a lot slimmer than usual.

We have many rumblings in the sky, right now, at nearly 1 am, and a twinge of lightening tells me that nature hasn't finished with us yet.

Just home to a fast asleep Wegg and 3 moggies who will cost me the hire of a bulldozer just to shovel them outa the door.
(Megg, it seems has been dried out from that downpoor and is as happy as a puss , in boots, I suppose (Welly boots that is)

Wegg sleeps on as I type away. (Hope she's not wearing wellies! - Hmmmm!)

Right now it's 23 deg outside and dry so I reckon we can al live with that.

Time to temp the puss cats with a can of whiskas. Kalenichta all.


Glad the rain is freshening things up in the garden .... get weeding quick or it will be like "Day of the Triffids". I can't believe you allow Wegg to wear her wellies to bed...some girls have all the luck.

No update on the darts so I assume James thrashed you again last night? Tell Cheryl to stop pinching herself now she IS in Arillas it's no longer a dream.

I must agree with Val that photo doesn't do you justice. I preferred Telly Savalas with the dark glasses much better likeness.

Oh dear "how her does happer on!" Eh Phil? I will raise a glass to you both when I get there.

Yammas my dears

Nan xx


Neill - Good to know Cheryl & James are now in your capable hands! I must admit it did feel strange dropping them off at the airport! :(

Keep pestering James to play - you know what he's like! :) & don't let Cheryl have too many Ouzo's! Only joking, nobody deserves a holiday more than those two!

Take care my friend! :)


I always have a great holiday in Arillas.... I wish I could take it up professionally!


Bones don't suit you Eggy mate. Must lend you my liver for a few weeks - that'll but some meat on dem bones!

Answer to quiz question: Who wrote the song "50 ways to leave your luvver." It must be visitors to Arillas, who run a mile when they spot us waddling along the seafront. Or was it our Baldy Barry when we met him last year? Er no, he does our Arillas song. Yammas, we'll have a good time. Yammas and the sun will shine.... So hope to see him again soon.

Nan meluvver, Jen always wears her wellies in bed. Is there an issue there? Seems quite ordinary round 'ere. And like you, I interpreted the silence that way about the darts. And reet true - er is apperin on till er don't know where she's to meluvver....

Good to know that Cheryl and James are finally reunited with Arillas and all that it entails. Hoping to see some pics but in the end just knowing is enough. Timbo - too long since you have enlightened the shores of Arillas. Maybe 2012? Would love to buy you a Mythos or three.

And Val and Bill, so hope we can meet again next July. We can all nag Eggy then.....



Quote from: Eggy on September 19, 2011, 06:52:30 PM
Tis all good fun and , maybe tomorrow, people will say -

The "maybe tomorrow" was for Arillas yesterday and twas a good day. Rain most of it but still around 26 deg. Soggy but not sad.
Empty beaches and wish I had taken the camera. Bars doing well though.

This morning we start on a 17deg and dry.

Good to hear from you Tim, and Cheryl n James are chilling out very well.
Haven't managed got get more games yet but priorities for them first.

Phil - There really was a song "50 Ways" bet someone knows (Without Google!)
and..... People ask me why I never use the North Beach.
The new Forum pic is the reason why I never remove my kit in public.

Lisa and Steve

Come on eggy sung by Paul Simon.Havent a clue who wrote it though.

Val n Bill

Ooooo, a nagging Eggy party, we will need a big venue Phil, may have to use the festival field by Brouklis.
Bill and I will be there in July sometime after the 20th, so see you then.

              Val x
The love affair continues.


Now we can all singalongwitheggy


Whenever I'm sad, whenever I'm blue
Whenever the rain is I heavy
In the Bars  I play my darts
Just like Eggy


Now, doubles may come and doubles may go
But you'll always find my hands steady
I get the thrill of darting skills
Just like Eggy


So, you'll never be sad, you'll never be blue
When the rain in Arillas is heavy
With the expat stars you can play your darts
Just like Eggy

Oooh-oohh-oohhh... Come on everybody!

Now, doubles may come and doubles may go
But you'll always find my hands steady
I get the thrill of darting skills
Just like Eggy

So, you'll never be sad, you'll never be blue
When the rain in Arillas is heavy
With the expat stars you can play your darts
Just like Eggy

Oooh-oohh-oohhh... Come on everybody!

Val n Bill

Terry, that was just brilliant, how do you do it.
I have to say...... that was one of your best and Eggy will love it I'm sure 8) 8)

                   Val x
The love affair continues.


I can't get the tune out my head now and I can feel a musical darts video coming on :-)

Val n Bill

Yes, come Terry just do it.
Of course being younger than you I didn't remember the tune at all. ;)

                          Val x
The love affair continues.