Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Val n Bill

My my..... you are brave PPMMAN.

           Lol  Val x
The love affair continues.


All sounds so lovely, it's great reading all these and sharing everyone's holidays!
Cheryl O

Jo Wissett

ppman....ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)


Quote1400 Hrs Fri will be sippin on a cool one at Marinaki Pool Bar    ON JO WISSETS SWING SEAT ! LOL

I think a photo needs to be posted, showing this activity - do it PPMMAN, do it, be brave.

Hels Bels

Its 32 in the shade and the expected high winds have not yet hit so a very pleasant morning has been spent on the beach. For those who were going to miss the creperie don't worry as the beach hut provides very similar food at reasonable prices, perfect if you want a little snack! As soon as it does get breezy dimitris is planning to go surfing so we may yet have a chance to picture him in action! The beer is calling out my name again so i'll have to love you and leave you!


Quote from: Hels Bels on June 24, 2011, 02:53:27 PMThe beer is calling out my name again so i'll have to love you and leave you!

Yet another *deep sigh* ....wish I was there! 56 sleeps and counting ;)
Life is good ;)


Rumour has it that Jo Wissett has put a contract out on PPMMAN for unauthorised access of her seat.
I nearly took the contract, as it was 5e, but would need more than 3 darts to do the job to her satisfaction.

Anyway.................. Still sitting on 34 deg here at 5 pm ish and far too hot to hit a dartboard let alone PPMMAN.

Beach is looking good and people chilling out is a spacious Arillas

I'm still puzzled to see so many cars but not enough people to use them

and..... anyone here next Friday? - I've promised a nice lady some darts flights for her partners birthday and forgot to order. Bugger
Some one with space in the suitcase let me know , via PM, with address.
I will order and pay for them here. - Probably about 150 grams in weight.

Temps just gone up to 34.4 - WOTSTHATABOUT?


Jo Wissett

You have NO IDEA sitting at my work desk for another hour while those ratbags are enjoying that perfect time of day on MY swing.Eggy I will double the bounty!!!


Quote from: Jo Wissett on June 24, 2011, 06:05:08 PM
I will double the bounty!!!

Does that mean 2 Bounty Bars Jo.? - I do miss a bounty or two.
One day I might have a "Mutiny on the Bounty"

Arillas Today has more wind than the Greek Government trying to put the Greek economic crisis right.
There must be more rackets going on than Wimbledon!
A power cut this afternoon left places without electricity for a couple hours.
Did this phase Taverna/Pool bar owners? - Nah. Business as usual.

Anyway..... Arillas Today.




Still enjoying 29 deg at 5pm and an exchange rate of e1.11. Missing many forum pals this year and really annoyed about that. Work etc means that my hours in Arillas does not suit all. Still trying to run over, sorry FIND , Mick n Mary, but no luck yet.

I did find this guy though.

Who is this? - No answers on postcards though. -


Ah Eggy, Arillas Today. It looks amazing to me. Thanks for the pics. "Haven't a clue" who the waif and stray you found is. And I haven't any postcards anyway. Will answer when I see you. Looks like a nice boy......

Ironically it is also 29 degrees here in Somerset at nearly 5pm. And due to get hotter. Bring it on!! I come alive when it heats up... Doncherknow...

MnM is noticeable for the absence of wheelchair.... Don't you ever listen? Take 100 lines. lmao

We have a surprise for Kostas in the Nut when we arrive, keep him guessing. Two other Arilliacs have asked us to deliver the final blow. Or should I say suck??????

We also miss peops for days on end out there, including you. Still remember the note under our door at Elena Stella "Where are you?" There are so many forum folk there in July we will do our best, but we will miss some. Sadly already know that one will be Cheryl. Bet you hurt as much as we do over recent events.

I'll shut up now. I have so much pent up junk to spew into the atmosphere I might stop the planes flying like the volcanos did. See you soon


Worthy mate, in our garden the thermometer said 29. In any case it will be even more t'mrw so they say. It felt like it was that hot too. You could be nearby, but 17 it is not here. 27 maybe.

I don't bother with a wig - only ever myself. I used to have hair like Jen's but I suspect I've grown up a bit. I'm not sure. We should be doing this on Facebook though. Ask Jill Naughon to add you to the Arilliacs group. You'll love it.

Hope you had the expected good time at Brouklis. Will hear all about it in any case. Bet you gave Dimitris a hard time.....

Hels Bels

As eggy says the wind definitely came out to play today and we saw the sea change from the millpond of yesterday into a foaming brine! Some brave folks managed the beach for a while until the wind whipped away their parasol's. So lunch at graziella was called for! The power but didn't affect us much as its so quiet anyway, apart from having to plan when to open the fridge! Now its back on its beer o'clock again! Is there a theme to all my threads? Yammas!


Been enjoying your daily on the spot reports Hels Bels....your theme is "enjoying life" got that joke txt to me the other day ha ha


Hels Bels

Definitely enjoying life! Now off for some more sublime pleasure. Life is good!

Jo Wissett

Well wind or no wind, that beach in Arillas looks like a tropical paradise to me! Not sure when the heatwave is heading north but its been pittling down all day and I even put the HEATING on!! And I recognise that guy as the one who waters the grass at the Mirage! So there!