Arillas Bay Apartments 2008....BEWARE!

Started by GaryS, July 15, 2008, 05:16:30 PM

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Quack John

I'm horrified by what I've read here, and we're booked into the Arillas Bay from a week Monday!
I'll be contacting the agents in the morning and demanding a move.
I'd appreciate some recommendations as to where we should be asking to be moved to (and I guess availability will be somewhat restricted now).......suggestions welcome!



Hey, I totally get the point about the Father being ill (think it was Cancer) but to let the place get in that state so quick AND to refuse to get rid of a thieving scumbag is totally out of order. Yes Thomas Cook have to shoulder part of the blame and we are taking it up with them further, but when the owners of the AB had the option to get shot of their lowly paying one tenant or lose guests hand over fist and have to pay for us to stay at Akti, it is 100% their fault.

Like I said even with this Arillas was heaven, the food, the friendliness, all wonderful. Then you have the Akti Arillas, Spiros and his brother Costas (new dad last week to a little boy) Spiros Girlfriend Monica (wonderful hard working fun loving ray of sunshine) the Parants, the Grandfather, the Sister and all the staff made our 7 days at the Akti seem like 5 star all the way. And do you know what? its a lower grade than the AB....madness.

I will be heaping praise on the various places we ate in and of course a review of the Akti, plus all the things we did. We will be back for sure many times, but some things have to be said. The same review for the AB will be going on other sites too. Im sorry, but this was our holiday and had it not been for the wonderful warmth of the rest of Arillas and the Akti it would have been ruined.


If you are looking for beach front Id suggest the Marina, The horizon or the wonderful Akti Arillas just up the road. Im sure many others on this forum would give more detailed advice.

Im sorry for all this but it was too much not to say anything. Arillas is lush mind and still worth being there at the AB, if only they get shot of the Albanian Umpa Lumpa it would be a start. I believe they have started cleaning up a bit, but how much I dont know.

The reps talked about clothes being stolen from lines in Sidari, all down to these Albanians. No wonder the Greek navy patrol the waters in Gunboats at Kassiopi where they are only 3 miles of water away.

Paul D

Thanks GazCaz for your post. It just goes to show that even in the place we all love, bad things can happen. At least we all know about it now and will never book the Arillas Bay. Glad you could still stay positive about other aspects of your holiday.

   Best wishes   Paul
Arillas - `perfect antidote to life`s stresses and strains`!

Jo Wissett

I'd like to echo previous comments.  Truly shocking and terrifying. One of the major pulling points for me as a mother is the safeness I have always felt in all the years we have been visiting this beautiful resort.  It has certainly made us rethink our usual routines in terms of security (ie: very little!!).  That said, this does thankfully seem to be confined to Arillas Bay but even so, it is very sad that this has happened and that we have had to question things.  If it was just a case of the poor conditions well that wouldnt be half as shocking as the intruder reports. It makes me shudder. I am so glad that it hasn't totally put you off though.


O>M>G> I have booked at this place for next year along with 14 other members of my family, 7 of them children 3 babies. Dont no what to do now. Is there any other accomodation through thomas cook in arillas we are so looking forward to it.


Talk on the street, rumbles from Thomas Cook is that The AB could well be dropped by them for the 2009 season. Might be BS but really it needs the question asked at the highest level.


I am sat here close to tears i couldnt believe what i have been reading. I have printed all of the reports out and will be sat in the travel agents at 9 in the morning. There are some bad people in this world and i have had dealings with the albanians when i was in Halkidiki but that was 10 years ago. That was pretty scary and i didnt have children with me then. We work so hard all year for our 2 weeks of heaven just so someone can spiol it for us.It will not stop us from coming to Arillas just probably stay somewhere else. JILL XX


Good luck Jill.  Let us all know how you get on.

Your holiday deserves a place like this...

Villa Linakis on FB


After reading all this thread, I am speechles :(

*shaking my head with disbelief*

Life is good ;)


we stayed at the arillas bay last year, our experience wasn't as bad, but it was enough to put us off ever coming back to arillas! thank goodness then, that we met the boys at the gratzella, who made us welcome every evening in their taverna. we have been back to arillas recently and stayed at the akti which as you say is a lower rating than the arillas bay (unbeleivable!!) met up with the gratzella boys again this year, and were greeted like old friends, everyone at the akti were amazing and it is such a lovely place i am so glad we returned. it's always nerve racking telling it like it was for you, and good on you gazcaz for being brave enough to do that, please don't let it put you off arillas though.
ger x


Well im sat here stuned. We stopped at the Arillas bay quite a few years ago, Itt was our first time in Arillas and Thomas welcome and hospitallity and the way he looked after us were part of the reason that made us return. Im sure he would be really destort if he knew what was happerning (it was with manos then). I knew about Harold and Sally upset as we were there at the same time, managed to get them a room with Poppy but because they were told it was fixed stopped where theey were only to find out to late that the problem was still there. I have never heard of any over thiefs from Arillas (as a matter of fact never used a safe) and am really upset that it is happerning now and hope that it is stopped soon, I know if it's up to most of the locals it will be. All I can say to you guy's that have had this dreatful thing happen to you is that it is not the norm (I know that dosent make it any better) and that im sure we all find it very sad. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


Dont worry viv and ger, we despite this still had a wonderful holiday, which goes to show what a truely special place Arillas is. I can't praise all the shops, bars, tavenas and hotels enough and a special note for the Marina Hotel. We only rented a safety deposit box there, but the manager would chat to us like old friends and wave in the street as we passed. If I had the cash and it was said by others too, would return and buy the AB and transform it to its former glory and make the resort proud of it.

As it is, Im skint but if all the bars, tavernas and hotels would like to chip in I would gladly spend my summer clearing away all the dead umbrellas and stuff at the far south of the beach past the Sea Breeze, its a magical little walk along there.


I wouldnt mind helping either (if I had the cash too)!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


We could form a 'forum co-operative' and all have a part share!

We could take it in turns to go over and run it during the summer - special rates for forum members!!

(- next year maybe)
