Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Ha ha I liked the tone of that "Watch out for Wendy (wife of Eggy)" as though you should be on guard for her dubious information!!!!

Aside from her hoping it'll rain I'm sure Wendy is lovely!

James W

Thank you Wendy for the information of your "Oregon Scientific Wireless Weather Station"

I know of this device, it communicates the information from the remote sensors, to the display unit.

You may not be aware of it, but, the radio frequency it uses, is probably is the same as used by the wireless keyfob for your car.

I used to calibrate pressure meters for use in gas monitoring systems. The calibrator indicated pressure in mBAR and psi.

1013.25 mBAR (1.01325 BAR) is the world average pressure at sea level. (Annual average)
I wish I still had the equipment  ;-)

In addition to UKAS Temperature Calibration, I also do UKAS Humidity Calibration. Accuracy of reading (e.g. 45.37% RH)  is more than adequate for most people.  :-)

We supply a Humidity and Temperature combination (Thermo-Hygrometer) device that we calibrate in the Lab.
We also supply a UKAS Calibration Certificate for them.

Time is a bit short (we're very busy right now), to get one calibrated to bring to Arillas next week, it would've been nice to check it against your readings.  :-)

Maybe I could post one after the holiday?


You've given me a headache now. I will talk to wegg about this. She has to make an appointment sometimes to get her on the Forum and me off.
( May change my password )

Arillas today is looking good folks. - Quieter with many sighs of relief from many Taverna owners. Temperature was around 30 deg at about 3pm.
(Not doing decimal points anymore Terry - You have me worried about Technology now)

Enjoyed a drink with EEG, Heide, Lindy P, Mal , Sue Simcox and Roger in the Coconut. Forum takeover!!!
( Sue & Roger got here with no hiccups picking tickets up at the airport )




Why don't you get Wegg her own PC. You could then both correspond to us at the same time.

As a matter of interest eggy, what is your internet connection speed like? I guess that it is broadband but what are your upload and download transfer rates?

I was thinking as I was driving home tonight on the M40, that it would be nice if there was an Arillas Forum notice board, probably near to where the map is in Arillas. I am sure that a lot of Arillas visitors are not aware that this forum exists and the notice board would bring it to their attention.

A chap who works at the same place as me, was at the Gallini two weeks ago and he did not know anything about the forum. It was his third visit to Arillas and he is also booking again for next year. He was overjoyed at seeing the forum and was dying to get home tonight to show his wife.


Whoa - I know nutink. Only that It's broadband here. - ADSL.
I am very negative now with all forms of "computing" - I guess the reason is due to spending 19 years and dreaming 'em. Packed those jobs in many years ago and nowadays just happy to switch on, hope it's available, and switch off
These systems/machines have now outgrown me and I'm happy to keep it that way.
Bits and bytes. IBM AS400. ICL2903  - Whats left of ,what seems now, a  bad dream.
Each to their own I suppose.
I'll mention to Dimitris about a notice board - Its an interesting point.
Best Wishes

Dave n Anne


Forget the bits and bytes and just enjoy life . But do keep us informed .


Dave n Anne


Just a few "bits" for you today.
( I'm too old for to get any "Bytes" nowadays.)

Exchange around e1.457. I was concerned Sidari rate was better but have been there today and its the same. The  rate is falling a bit but then so is the "English" exchange I expect. - Stick neck out and say midweek next week back to e1.46 plus.

We hit 34 deg at 5 o'clock and still rising. - Arillas looks very healthy today with most of the recent "Happy Invaders" now retreating to prepare for their next August campaign,

If I was holidaying next week I would be looking forward to it with great anticipation.
( No one talks about rain anymore !!! - 1 or 2 overnight downpours would be nice )

James W

Drat!  I'll not get the 1.5 Euros /pound rate then.  :-(

Let it rain all the time until Monday 12:00, by the time we arrive it will be nice and fresh, and dry.  :-)

Hope the 'Stones' doesn't leak in the luggage.  ;-)


TerryW - I checked this morning and the internet download speed was 625 kb/s and upload 150 kb/s.   Not sure how this compares generally but it is certainly quicker than the non-ADSL connection we had in darkest, rural Somerset!

Best wishes, Wendy (wife of the good looking bloke on the left!)


Thats not too bad Wendy, to say that you live in a small Corfiot village, but I guess some of the photos take a while to load.

QuoteWendy (wife of the good looking bloke on the left!)
Aww .....Eggy and yourself just ooze happiness, its lovely.


Update on Arillas, especially those coming out next week.

Quite a breeze on the sea front about 3.30 pm. I found I was getting sandblasted just taking a stroll. Not as many people on the beach and a few wind covers were being made ready, on most of the sea front tavernas, for tonight.

A few clouds around but no rain. Still around 28 deg and certainly warm enough.
I think today the sheltered "inland" free swimming pools did a bit of extra business.

Exchange rate 1.459 at Arkokal Travel & Olgas Travel. ( Less 2% commission )


Jo Wissett

God i love your posts Eggy!! Its like we are living there with you!! Out of interest, what is your name?


"Proper" name is Neill ( 2 L's ) - Eggy is a nickname that has travelled with me for many years. "Negg" is how I sign a lot of paperwork/cheques unless it's very official then I even use part of my surname. Neill Egg is how I would sign various work E-mails and memos. All depends on how I feel at the time.
( I did have my Bank query a large cheque for cash, I handed them over the counter, because I had signed the cash card N.Eggleton but I had just scrawled "Negl" on the cheque. I had to produce other idents. So it confuses me sometime.

Anyway - A fairly cool morning here at 9am. 24 deg - Quite pleasant.

Mister E.

James W

Arillas on Tuesday and Wednesday is forecast to be rained on.  :-(

Could all the fans in Corfu point in the direction of the rain clouds, and blow them away please?  ;-)


ohh noooooooooooo tues eve rain ,weds thunder storms n thursday scattered showers !!!!


22 Hours 15 mins t till take off !!!