Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Wendy n Stu

Sounds amazing Eggy.  Stuart is really jealous - although he has had breakfast in bed plus two mugs of tea and the sunday papers so not a bad Easter Sunday.  Snow outside, very chilly.  Hope you both ok.  Thanks for e-mails.  See you soon.  W. x

Sandy x

Well done Negg - you deserve it although Wegg may not agree! I should just get stuck in to the retsina with your dinner now and make a day of it!!!
Sandy x


Well Eggy, I believe that counts as the daily Ouzo report which makes most of us smile :)
Life is good ;)

Ann K

I have to have my daily fix of Arillas like so many of you and today I've had two but where's the picture of the digger at the Marina gone to which was there this morning and gone this afternoon.  I tried right clicking the cross and opening the picture but nothing happened.  Could it be the ouzo taking effect?  I love looking at the photos posted please keep them coming and only 20 weeks and 4 days 'til we're there in August.


But surely Eggy, that is Arillas today...

You describe a perfect Easter Sunday in our terms!!



Wendy n Stu
Sounds like a pretty good morning you had as well!

Ann K
That happens here sometimes but it's a good excuse to have a look tomorrow and see if it's back.

I couldn't stop for lunch! - I had a ladder to wobble on! - Kostas bought me a present of 50% proof Ttsipouro. - I may try a twinge later.

I've now progressed to neat Ouzo. No water. As I said to Levendis in his bar.
"Nero ine mono yia toe banio" - water is only for the bathroom."
Well, I think that's what it meant.

Phil n Jen
Yer right. That is Arillas today! Reckon it's getting better too.

Fabulous day folks-Touched 18 deg in the shade-A very pleasant pottering afternoon.
( Think I may unwind with a little liquid refreshment , AGAIN )




I think that by the time we all get to arillas, all we're going to find is a pickled egg!  lol.


We've seen Eggy pickled.... or was it our fault??



Hi Eggy that picture you posted yesterday looks very familiar is it up from Phillips bar if so then thats my new view soon to be in sept, still building at the mo so know what you mean about the euro!!! lol Louxx
everything looks better through the eyes of your children


Pickled Eggs.

Our neighbour gave us 2 dozen fresh eggs yesterday and I've promised him some pickled eggs soon. I think his face will be a picture when I watch him eat one.
( And Greeks are so polite he will just have to give it a go )

That photo was taken by a plot of land close to the wood factory. Not sure if it's classed as Afionas or still Kavaddades.



Hi Eggy our new house is up from or maybe down depends where your standing or how much you've had but any way near villalinakis I'm sure we are Kavaddades !!!! Nice views of Albania anyway (once we get rid of the tall fir tree). lol Lou xx
everything looks better through the eyes of your children


It's Greek Independance today folks.
A public holiday but, again, no excess traffic and very quiet.
A cold start to the day and around 14 deg now at 4 pm. - But at least it's dry.

The last couple of days have been a little poor, weather wise, and quite a storm overnight. Not a lot of Arillas Beach today and a choppy sea making its presence felt.

It would take a braver person than me to stand on the end of the jetty today.
( Or even venture on it at all - The webcam tell a better picture, I think )
A bit of a breeze but a very fantastic sight. Nature flexing it's muscles!

No work happening today so it gave me the opportunity to take a "better" picture of the Marina pool. Concrete base is in and it looks like the walls will be soon to follow.

Finally, when I left Arillas I drove up the hill towards Agious Stephanos and clicked a pic, overlooking Arillas, at the Kaloudis end.
A bit dark again but you wouldn't think it was taken within 30 mins of the others.



You're right about the webcam Eggy, lots of white surf showing up today, and it looked as if the sea was closer to the road than normal.

Thanks for the photos again. I wish you could record the sound of the sea and post that on here - maybe one day.


Thanks for the update on the Marina pool Eggy. Hotel Marina is my second home and I love seeing the photos and reading the news about well as the rest of Arillas of course! :D