Your perfect 24 hours in Arillas?

Started by cypress, November 30, 2013, 11:29:08 AM

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I've been not too well for the past few weeks and I've spent a lot of time in my onesie dreaming of my next visit to Arillas - everything is back to normal now, out of my onesie and back to work! So, I got to thinking/dreaming that if I could have just one day in Arillas, in my spiritual home, how would I spend that time.

It's only one 24 hour period of any day of the year, so, what would be your perfect day in Arillas??

There are so many different permutations of this perfect day of mine and it helped me pass many a happy hour laid on the sofa, and I'll let you know mine when I've actually decided, for me there is so much to do and so little time to spend it in just one day in Arillas :-))


Jo Wissett

My perfect day would begin with being lulled awake at the Marinaki by the sound of the waves, then strolling across the road to the beach with a coffee, sitting on the new stone bench and watching Arillas wake up. I would then meander to a taverna to enjoy a long leisurely lunch, accompanied by ice cold wine. After a blissful couple of hours on the beach feeling energised by the searing sun. Then I would walk up to Akrotiri and enjoy the views and maybe have a chilled glass of something or other and a lovely chat with Nikos. Then I would head back to the pool and spend some time reclining on the sunbeds, followed by a little wander early evening across to the beach with a glass of chilled wine as I revel in the perfect moment. Oh wait this describes every sungle day of my Arillas holidays and I haven't even started on the divine evenings!!! (It also makes me realise how much alcohol features in this perfect day! Whoops)


What a perfect day Jo - Arillas has that affect on me too, long lazy days just soaking up the atmosphere of the place.
After much (contented) deliberation - I'm terrible at making decisions -  this would be my perfect 24 hours;

Waking up in my favourite room at my favourite accommodation, knowing it's going to be a hot and sunny June or July day. A slow wander along the seafront (no make-up, no jewellery, I don't have a need for these things in Arillas for some reason?) to beeakfast with friends at the Marina, reading the paper and chatting with friends, new and old, that are just as relaxed and happy to be there too, laughing about the previous nights' shenanigans.

After a walk on the beach and an early beer (barely making it to 12pm!) whilst staring at the sea contemplating everything and nothing in particular, I'd have a wonderful lunch at the Horizon, (no offence intended to other tavernas, just for today it would be the Horizon and the Marina, they're all amazingly good) I'd have to walk off the affects of the Corfu beer and walk all the way around the village breathing in the aromas of the flowers, admiring the trees, (the cypresses :-) )watching the world go by, noticing the relaxed and smiley faces of the other visitors, and having not a care in the world in this heavenly place. 

By this time, I'd be ready to change to meet friends at a bar to watch the stunning sunset and then have a leisurely meal with plenty of village wine before an evening in the Coconut with good friends, good entertainment and lots of laughter. My perfect day, which I've done many times and dream of doing again next year.   

It doesn't sound very energetic or exciting when I try to explain to people what I do when I go there, I do think the place has a certain something that I can't put my finger on, but I try not to ask myself these questions anymore, I'm thankful I found it and I just go and I just be.   


My perfect day is just exactly as has been described already. The one thing that makes a day perfect is chatting to friends, old and new. Looking at the sea, sometimes even swimming in it, eating at one of the excellent eateries and drinking copious amounts of delicious local wine. When non Arilliacs ask what we do on holiday it is very difficult to fully explain why we keep going back again and again. Everyone of you in here know why though - don't you?
We were in Arillas for 2 whole months and going again for 2 weeks :-)

Paul D

Loved your `perfect day` post, Cypress.   Would be hard pushed to come up with better days than have been written about here!!

   Yammas,  Paul
Arillas - `perfect antidote to life`s stresses and strains`!


I've loved reading them too. I have had so many perfect days in Arillas, just like cypress. Sometimes just meeting old friends and sharing a catch up over Mythos or a meal, sometimes just strolling on the beach, sunbathing, swimming in the sea, followed by a glorious meal and quietly off to bed. Sometimes a big party in the Nut, sometimes just natterirng to all and sundry at the Bow... my perfect 24 hours will include some or all of these. And the next 24 will probably include the rest. Holidays in Arillas are always unpredictable, as to just how much fun and pleasure you can squeeze out of just one day!

But I also love, maybe even more, the quietness and peace right at the end of the season. When you can truly appreciate the rugged beauty of the coastline, and the few people who are there have so much time to share with one another. Some of my all time favourites have been the last days of October and first few of November.




Waking in the morning,
Strolling to the beach,
A croissant at the bakery?
Yes, we'll have one each!
Or else we'll go to Poppy's,
Her famous eggs on toast
Laugh and chat with family,
They sure are perfect hosts.
Bobby greets us, "Calamari!"
Who's he trying to kid?
We say, "Wait a minute,
Who you calling a squid?"

Lying on the golden sands,
Swimming in the sea,
Soaking up the sunshine,
Pure bliss, we both agree.
Lunch at the Mirage
With Angela and Nikos
We never tire of this view
With a pint each of Mythos.
We'll enjoy another hour
Lounging around the pool,
And if the heat gets too much
We'll go inside to cool.
Play darts at the Rainbow
With Eggy and some friends,
Jimmy's hospitality,
Fun here never ends.

Late afternoon, another swim
At one of the many pools,
Marina maybe or Splish Splash,
So many from which to choose.
We'll have a snooze on our beds
Or maybe read for an hour,
Decide where we're going to eat
While we're in the shower.
Veg Moussaka at Porto Fino?
Or a fine meze at Brouklis?
Stuffed peppers at Thalassa?
Or fresh fish at Vavillas?

Before or after our dinner
Or throughout the meal
We'll watch the fabulous sunset
What could be more ideal?
There is nothing I like more
Than to sit with a glass of wine
See the sun sink into the sea,
The colours so sublime.

Drinks at the Coconut Bar,
How best to end the day?
Than with Perry, Kostas and Hanna
And friends along the way.
We missed out Akritiri and more
They'll be in tomorrow's themes.
Such a perfect day in Arillas
To fulfill all my dreams.

Val n Bill

Nice to read another perfect day, but especially nice that it's Lynn that has posted.....we miss your verses and miss you too.

My perfect day starts on the balcony at Mathraki, watching the village awake while I enjoy my coffee. It also ends there as well, but with something stronger ;)

The hours in between are sometimes varied but are all perfect. How could they be anything else?

Perfect hosts, perfect meals and perfect friends.......this is after all Arillas.

     Val x
The love affair continues.


Hi Val, thank you for your comments.  I love this forum, and only stopped coming on so often, when we couldn't afford to return to Arillas.
Have to say I've missed it too!  :)

lynn xx

Paul D

Hi, Lynn.  Another good one - really enjoyed it!!

    yammas,  Paul & Heather
Arillas - `perfect antidote to life`s stresses and strains`!


Thank you Lynn. Fair lifted our spirits after a difficult week of weather etc. Turned our thoughts to much easier times in our favourite place. Hope you and Colin get back this year.

love from both


That was brilliant lynn, sums it up perfectly!
Ger x


Thank you very much, Paul & Heather, Phil n Jen and Ger, much appreciated.
Phil, I hope so too!
lynn xx