End of the 2012 Season

Started by justphil, October 14, 2012, 12:30:05 AM

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I can so empathise with Sharon, I too found Arillas at a very sad time in my life and I arrived on holiday as a tight ball not really speaking that much but from the first walk and drink in the Horizon bar as the sunset appeared, I felt myself relax and this continued until only 2or 3 days in I realised I felt happy and so lucky to be in this wonderful place.
We are now booked again and at night when I wake I have trained myself to blot out sad stuff and think about all the walks and meals and sunsets of Arillas.......so good for the soul.
Thank you to all the people on this forum who also appear to be kindred spirits.


Having been to arillas for many years as a mother, 2012 i was the grandmother building the sandcastles and in the sea with our 2yr old granddaughter lilly, with us this year there were 4 generations. We all had a great time as usual. We were going to walk to afionas but lilly's buggy got a puncture, Dimitri(rainbow) drove to san stef garage for puncture outfit and repaired not 1 but 3 punctures, never got to do the walk this year but there is always next year, roll on 2013.


What lovely (and sometimes bittersweet) stories you all posted. I hope the guests on this site are reading them all and wanting to join in this very special experience called Arillas.

There are many of us who feel this way, maybe hundreds. But there is room for many more without changing the character of the place. I have watched several fall under the spell this year. To their great advantage. When they find somewhere that ticks more boxes than any they have experienced before, they keep coming back.

Here's to 2013. And thanks to our hosts who make it all possible.



Well it's all over. Errr  no....

Eileen is at home in the villa for a wee while. Entertaining the bar staff - Yiota and Hanna of course.

Sandy is playing with her dolls in the Doll's house (kouklospito to the uninitiated.) The quietest yet for an Arillas veteran. Maybe bored? Nah. She will be wearing orange tablecloths on the beach.

PhilnJen are packing togs but not weight. We have consumer goods for several friends to use that luggage weight up. We may well be the last tourists this year, not that it matters to us. We love Arillas, not holidays.  If you never believed us before, you will now. Pics to follow.



Lovely idea this thread - thanks Phil.  Looking forward to your reports on Arillas right at the end of the season.
For me there were several great moments.  Being greated as old friends by Roula at the Kaloudis Village,  meeting up with old friends,  discovering one day round the pool that ten of us were from Lincolnshire, enjoying super meals as always at our favourite tavernas, finding the sea almost as warm as a bath, - oh I could go on, but suffice to say we've booked again for next year hoping to repeat and add to these wonderful memories.


Corfu PJ on the Seafront at Arillas by pj's memories, on Flickr

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon