Unpack or Unwind??

Started by Jo Wissett, January 15, 2010, 06:44:07 PM

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Jo Wissett

I know its a topic we've raised many times but just to banish those winter blues and build up to our pilgimages back to heaven, what type are you??

Unpack, organise and then go out/sleep

or dump bags and straight out?

What is the first place you visit on leaving the apt? Phil and Jen probably get dropped off at the Coconut BEFORE the apt :-)


Ha ha Jo. We are definitely the "throw in the bags and straight out" type. And the Nut is visited very soon after...

Last time it was a quick Mythos with Dimitris, dog-bite at Olga's, Thalassa for Mythos with Spiros then in the Nut. But we arrived at 1pm, so Perry, Kostas and Hannah weren't there yet....

But this time we won't arrive till late, so it will indeed be straight in the Nut....



Ah, now I've always been an unpack first kind of gal while Barry looks around at the view from the balcony (just like a man!). I like to know where everything is, putting clothes on hangers/in drawers in a nice, neat, organised fashion (sad, I know!)
Arillas is changing me! We arrived in May 09 quite late at night, Billy took us to our apartment at Kaloudis, we dumped the cases and went straight to the bar, then didn't unpack until the next morning.
This May we'll arrive about mid afternoon so it's anyone's guess!  I think it'll be a quick change then out to meet and greet
Janis x


Pete is the pratical one, I would be straight on the beach, or to get a mataxa. Pete unpacks while I go do the basic shopping so at least im out and about. When i get back everything is done and his sat there on the balcony ready to go out. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


It depends with us.  When we arrived late evening, we just dumped our bags and went to the bar (Bardis Sun) then didn't unpack till morning.
Sometimes we shop before unpacking, but normally I like to at least hang the clothes up before going out.  Last time I put the clothes away then couldn't be bothered with all the knick-knacks - just wanted to get out. 
Actually, we often just want to change into something cooller before going out.  It doesn't normally take me long until I'm in a pool somewhere or in the sea!!

lynn xx


Well for us depending on if it is a daytime flight. It is unpack first (well i might need some shorts etc). Then it is down to say our hellos to Roula and Christos and get my fridge supplies :D , milk and bread also. Then over to the pool bar to say hellos again, and have a quick drink of course. Then down to the beach to breathe that air in (lovely). Onto the Coconut for more hellos and drinks, might even bump into Eggy. Then back for a bit of sun by the pool with a big smile on my face.  :)

ROLL ON JUNE.........   :)


For us Jo it depends what time we arrive but the Mathraki 2 years back it was dump the bags in the room and down to the bar where Laura served us 2 ice cold Mythos followed by another 3 then a good kip up early and a wander about Arillas

Sandy x

Definitely.....dump the bags and head for the Rainbow for the first vodka.....and if it's daylight, the first swim in their pool too. Can't wait!
Sandy x


Pat unpacks I unwind.
Must be a Barry thing Janis!!



Wish i could unwind now and step off that plane at Corfu Airport. :)


Me too, Riggers!  and yes, it MUST be a Barry thing.. lol
Having said that, he's usually the one to nip down to the shop for essentials although we tend not to self-cater much - just fresh fruit and orange juice for breakfast then eat out during the day
Oooh, can't wait now!  May 17th.....
Janis x


Me? My flight from Cardiff always arrives at 1335hrs. Taxi 'home'. 1430ish, get bags to the room (B.S.Hotel), open case, quick shower/change, then down to the pool room for a Mythos with Dorita. Next, a wander along 'the front' popping in Gratsela, and on as far as Brouklis. Slow walk back, calling at Ina's for supplies, back to base and then having 'sussed' the fare earlier, out to Gratsela for evening meal. Unpacking and hanging after breakfast next day!
Martin :)


I always get home to Brouklis about 13.00 and it is nice to see Dimitris, Litsa and everyone. And of course Heidi always arrives from Finland around  midnight the previous night so she is there to greet me as well :)

Then I have to go upstairs and open my case as there are always presents and it gives me the opportunity to get the sun cream on whilst Heidi serves ice cold Royal Ionian from the fridge. Then the round starts from downstairs, Armourada, Yiota's shop....ending up in Thalassa for a long wet lunch with the best view in the world. And in no time you realize that you are in the Arillas state of mind ;)

*deep sigh*  I REALLY wish it was August 14th already....:)
Life is good ;)

Jo Wissett

Some great replies and I dont know about everyone else but Arillas is even MORE on my mind now, after reading everyone's posts!

We usually always arrive in the dead of night so we get the kids to bed and do as much unpacking as we can be bothered with.

Last year we arrived mid-day which was a novelty and said to the kids, you must have a couple of hours rest before going in the pool.  WELL, as you can imagine, that went down like a lead balloon and when I went to check they were all sat together on the bed like dogs straining on their leads desperate for walkies!! Infact I think that is the only time they have ever sat quietly together so I took pity and said, oh go on then and they all simultanously dive bombed into the pool!

Those poor poor sunbathers who had, up until then been blissfully enjoying the  quiet poolside!!

Sandy x

We always used to arrive at about 6am. Everyone else would be sensible and get a few hours kip, but I was always far too excited. I would always do the circular walk round the village, checking on what had changed since last time, with a good stroll along the beach and a paddle. By the time I got round to the bakery/supermarket they would be open so I would get the supplies in and be back at the Rainbow as everyone else was waking up. Bliss!
Sandy x