Duty Free

Started by bmw1106, September 06, 2009, 03:31:52 PM

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Can anybody give me an idea how much cigarettes are now please? xxx


When i was there in June they had gone by €2 euros a sleeve. L&bs €30 bensons €32



Thanks i thought they would have gone up,still cheaper than here though xxx Although i can remember when they were 14 euros lol


look also in the uk duty free ,sometimes u get a 1000 benson for about £150,not bad and better than the high street


We smoke Richmond - Anna and Ina have both supplied us with the new (illegal) limit of 32 packs between us. Duty paid not Duty Free. Should be allowed any number you want within EU law. But at Bristol Airport the jobsworth Customs and Excise staff treat you like a criminal. They see them from the security X-rays, and your baggage is last on the carousel. Then they stop you and humiliate you as everyone walks by. Sorry, rant over.

Our Richmond were 24 euros in July. Will run out by half term end of October, and hope to replenish in Arillas (Please God....) but if not in Majorca.



Phil, we always bring back 32 cartons between us as thats what we were told we were allowed, 3200 cigs each, as long as they are in euro. We smoke red West and find they are as good as any english names. They were 21.60 euros a carton in june, I know they were going up in july so we'll find out in 2 weeks. We always order them from alex and he has them ready for our last day to pick up. We ditch the beach towels etc so we can get them in the cases! They keep us going til our next holiday.