Trip to Corfu

Started by alis, August 04, 2009, 10:19:04 AM

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We are planning to make a trip to Corfu during our holiday. Is it easy to get there by bus? And are there some special things to do and see in the capital city?


There are day excursions to town also a night one, as far as public buses there is one very early morning and one that comes back about 1600 but thats it. There are also plenty of over excusions and I would recommend the round the island one. I would go and see Olga when you get there and she will give you all the details. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


As Viv says the easiest way to get to Corfu town is by an organised excursion booked through any of the three travel offices in Arillas.

The stop for the local bus is only 1 minutes walk downhill from the Marthraki.

I caught the local bus into Corfu town at Easter when there was only one bus daily, I'm sure it's the same timetable all year round.  According to the timetable the bus should have picked us up at 06.30 at the bus stop opposite the Tria Adelphia apartments.  It arrived at 07.00.  The price was 3.60 euros one way.  For the return journey the bus leaves the bus station in town at 2pm.

Whatever you do don't go by the timetable on the big route map on display in the bus station or else you will miss your bus..the times are all out of date!

You might want to look at the following website for Corfu town information...

Your holiday deserves a place like this...

Villa Linakis on FB


We went on a trip to Corfu town itself, and also a round the island excursion a couple of years ago - both excellent and both organised through Olga's travel
To be recommended!


Heidi and I always book the trip with Arkokal Travel and it is always nice to go to town for a spot of retail therapy. Their bus leaves from in front of their office in Arillas.

The only thing to worry about really has to be remembering where the bus is leaving from back to Arillas in town, Barry's Mrs Susan can tell you about this :D
Life is good ;)

Baldy Barry

Thats right always remember where the bus is picking you up! and how to get back there!  Me and my friend Theresa walked up and down the narrow streets for ages, asking in shops and street sellers where the Fort was.  What we didn't know was there is 2 forts - one new and one old! Finally found the right one but our bus had gone 5 minutes ago! No waiting for 2 women on their own!!

Anyway a lovely greek bus driver gave us a lift back on his bus along with 50 other German tourists that he had to drop off first then took us both back into Arillas where our other halves were enjoying their beers and thought we would just book a hotel and stay the night in Corfu town or get a taxi back.  Not worried about us at all!!

Mrs Susan
Hope I don't burn !


We did the tourist thingy once, when we took a young (well, mid twenties) neighbour to Arillas. We did the scary o'clock bus that Eileen mentioned, and it cost notalot. We did all the horse-drawn tour, the forts, sat in the Liston for beer (my favourite bit...) and had giant prawns in a backstreet taverna (my second favourite bit.) Not very good at retail jen and me... bought absolutely nothing.

We also nearly missed the bus back - it was leaving as we got there. But in typical Greek style he stopped and let us on. Can't imagine that happening here - they would just laugh and drive on!

But we haven't visited Kerkyra since 2003. Always too busy on the "Mythos therapy" in Arillas. When we have time on our side (ie when we're permanent) we will doubtless go again.

Nice one Mrs Susan. I doubt Jen would notice either, except for the eerie quiet of the absence of me nattering in her ear....


Jo Wissett

That post from Barry's wife did make me laugh! I would be distraught if Mick didnt scour the Corfu streets looking for me! Actually, replace 'distraught' with I would bloody kill him!! (yes honeymoon period has worn off heh heh).

Out of interest, where is the 'posh Corfu bit in comparison to the area around the airport? I am ashamed to say that we have never been on a trip there and don't really know why! It is more the lovely square with that gorgeous architecture that I would love to see rather than the shops, although I'm sre I could be persuaded to have a litttle look :-)

Paul C

Corfu town is always worth a visit, even if you just do the "tourist thing" and take a ride in one of the horse buggys. Then you can find a little taverna for a meal (after wandering the streets getting lost).  But the best thing ,as Phil says, is having a drink sat in the Liston, People watching !! Very relaxing after a hard day.

Jo Wissett

Paul, is that where you are in your profile pic?? It was you i was thinking of when I said the square!


Ooooh what a cheek Jo! Paul isn't a square, he's just a peg in a round hole....

Does look a bit like it could be, but I don't think I'm wrong believing it's not the Liston. Like you, waiting to be enlightened....



A word of caution on a Corfu Town visit here.

Last year we heard on the forum that a family/couple? went to a Taverna/Restaurant in Corfu Town and got terribly overcharged on the bill.

This year, only last week , I spoke with a family of 3 who had a Corfu Town trip and got charged 21 euros for 3 slices of cake!
( The person behnd the counter actually asked if they were English )

Like in all major cities there are just a few people who take advantage of the system and I can remember some bad press about London a few years ago when someone was charged £5 for a can of coke.

Just remember, people, that nearly all Corfu Town owners/waiters etc speak English
( They have to due to the number of visitors they get each summer)
So don't be ashamed/embarrassed to ask the price of anything before you buy.
And if it's too expensive for your tastes then say "NO"
I'm sure you'd all kick up in, or refuse to pay it in England, so why change it in Corfu Town? - Don't be afraid of the language barrier - "No" is understood everywhere.


Paul C

Yes Jo that was at the Liston in 2007, one cold frappe on a hot day. Don't know about being a peg in a hole Phil, but I would love to be there now, 18 days to go and counting.


Oh well. One marble pillar looks like any other when you've had a few. Oh all right then, I've always had a few.....

Paul is dead right though. Sitting in one of the Liston's cushioned chairs, sipping an ice cold beer watching the people go by is a lovely way to spend an hour in Corfu Town. Follow it with a seafood meal and local wine, then a quiet bus back to Arillas in time for the evening out... Bliss.
