Arillas Bay Apartments 2008....BEWARE!

Started by GaryS, July 15, 2008, 05:16:30 PM

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Getting away from Thomas Cook for a moment please. At the end of the day the owners or the Arillas Bay could have saved so much face by simply honouring their statement of the early hours of Saturday 5th July and making the scumbag leave after he attempted to break into two apartments on no fewer than 5 occasions. Had that happened I would have been less angry with the state of the place. However they did not, the scumbag tried again the next night and the owners, during face to face conversation showed a desgraceful lack of respect or concern for their guests. Its tough that their father is ill, but to treat their guests who were distressed in such a manner was unforgivable.

They made no attempt to rectify any of the situation and blanked us until we were rescued by the Akti Arilla. They were more interested in hiding in the corner of their near empty bar with their Albanian scumbag friend. Oh sorry they did do something for us, I forgot. They replaced the tattered bath towels after 7 days with horrible tatty beach towels and left a bucket dirty water in our bathroom. Bless them.


Hi Gascaz

Apologies if it was my little post that has , possibly been mis-interpreted. I'm just pleased that a small step forward has been taken too ensure, hopefully ,that it doesn't occur again.

Loved yer boat post by the way. - I suppose for a full day Wegg and I could take a couple of fishing rods in the hope that we could fill our freezer.
( I calculate that 10 good size fish would make break us even )



No appologies, needed my friend. I just wanted it to be known the further this thread gets away from my original post that the owners could have done so much more for not just us, but many others at the AB. Glad you liked the boat post, more will follow with wonderful praise for all the places we ate and drank. Im so sad we are home, Arillas is wonderful.


Also not my intention to disrail this thread in anyway as I said on subjects such as this I have to careful what I post, what happened to you should not happen to anyone and I hope something good eventually comes of this.


Last week we  booked a weeks holiday travelling mid August to Arillas Bay Apartments and I thought i'd done my research on the resort and apartments and was satisfied that it all sounded good. I'd also checked holiday watchdog and trip adviser and couldn't find anything negative.

The resort sounds fantastic just what we need for a relaxing week away from the day to day grind and the apartments sounded basic but sounded similar to other places I stayed in the Greek Islands.

However although i'd found this website last week I hadn't found the reviews section and I am now kicking myself - if only I'd read your comments before we booked.

I am now going to try several routes to get either my money back or a change of accomodation.    I really don't want my precious holiday time ruined but I will be really dissappointed if I can't find a solution that still finds us in Arillas.

Obviously the villagers rely heavily on tourist income for their livelihoods and I hope that TC sort this out quickly so the reputation of what sounds like a wonderful resort doesn't get damaged by what sounds like an isolated problem.

Any news from anybody in the same boat would be appreciated.




If as I think they were doing as we left, trying to clean things up (fingers crossed) and either they have got rid of the tenant from hell or he has mended his ways you will have a fab time. Had it not been for the Albanian apartment breaker (attempted breaker, the muppet couldnt even do that right) we could have coped with the rooms....just. It was dirty and the linen needed changer more than it was.

The rest of the resort is magical. Pop into the Akti, free pool and great bar, speak to Spiros and Monika, tell them the Geordies from the AB sent you. :-)

Quack John

Hello All !!!

Claire and I have decided to leave things as they are and see for ourselves what the situation is when we get out to the AB on the 29th. If problems still persist then we'll deal with it with the TC / Manos Rep. Maybe I'll have to learn a few choice Albanian phrases before we go?? :)

We're really looking forward to our first holiday in Arillas and are determined not to let anything spoil it! Hoping to meet up with forum members out there as you all sound like an incredibly friendly bunch (and I owe one or two of you a drink already!!)

Needless to say, we'll be passing on our holiday report when we get back but, in the meantime, are looking forward to a week in paradise......bring it on!

Case almost packed ........ and still a week to go!! :)

John & Claire


Lucky you. Id trade you the UK for the AB anyday. I really hope I have not put you guys off Arillas, that was never my intention, simply to highlight a problem that if not addressed correctly could spoil the resorts image. You will have a fab time, cant say we had a bad meal or snack the whole time there. Keep an eye out on my posts Ive started with the good side of thing now I have the AB off my chest.


Quack John... if you have any spare time would it be possible for you to leave a quick report from the internet connection in the Mirage (I think) or one of the bars (with a beer in hand of course!).  If anyone is leaving before you come home they will know if its improved or not.  I truly hope that it has for you especially as its your first visit.  If it hasnt at least you know where you will be looked after properly.

I am just as excited for you as we knew how we felt when we arrived in Arillas for the first time.  Have a great time!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

Quack John

Hello Blondegirl,
Yes I'm sure we'll get chance to post an interim report during our stay, especially if there is a beer in hand!! All assuming that I'm sober enough to type!!  :)
We'll be heading out to Arillas with a very positive outlook, especially after all the wonderful things we've read on this forum about the resort.
We're grateful to people like Gazcaz and Harold (amongst others!) for posting honest reviews of AB as we would much rather know what to expect before we went rather than get the shock of finding out when we arrived. It certainly hasn't put us off.
Rest assured that if there are still issues with the AB then I will be dealing with it with the TC / Manos Rep and will let you all know the score!
The only problem now is that there's still a week before we go and this week will go soooo slowly.......

Quack John


Make the most of it, when you are there it flys by at a great speed, even though the resort is so chilled. I so wish we still had the horrid slow week before again. Next year we have a big family birthday trip to Crete, but rest assured if we can aford it and are fit and well we will be back in Arillas in 2010.

the busheys

Hiya Gary/Carolyn and Rob/Alysha
Kate and Steve here!
Finally we've got around to writing our review and sending yet again another complaint to TC.
Hope all is well with all of you.
To everyone else out there-depsite the incompetent muppet attempting to break-into our cell/apartment  three times in an hour and the apartments resembling something out of Tenko-we loved Arillas and would not hestitate to recommend it as a holiday destination.
This incident definately has not put us off.



Just thought i'd update with my progress incase anybody else wants to try the same thing.

Tried today to change my accomodation on the holiday.  After around 2.5 hours of being passed around on the phone being told I needed a different departments etc concluded that I would have to pay an £80 admin fee to change accomodation £40 each person and the price difference.  Happy to pay price difference but have big issue paying £80 for the pleasure. 

Tried to get through to "customer relations" who I was told may be able to revoke the fee considering the circumstances but they just didn't answer the phone.  Lost track of time and got very frustrated.

They claim that they have no knowledge of any complaints against this accomodation so I gave them details of this website....

Now considering our options again. I think I could be fighting for the £80 back for sometime if I pay it.

Really looking forward to any more updates from anybody who is there in next few weeks.   The more I learn about Arillas the more I look forward to our holiday but I just really regret my choice of accomodation.

Just curious - most of you seem to have been in block B - is block A any better?



Guess it was all a dream, maybe we never got transferred to the Akti by the Thomas Cook Rep, or spoke to them on the phone using the emergency number or met up with others that had been moved also. More likely you were talking to the lying department of Thomas Cook, located at Head in the Sand, Please go awayville.

Hey ho, a long drawn out fight might be on the cards it seems. I of course will let you all know how TC try and slither out of this one.


came back ysteray,mon thomas has lung cancer had 1 lung removed .doing chemo/ radio treatment in athens