Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Mick and Jill

Don't think any of us will Phil for a very long time and I'm sure when we all get over to Arillas this year as soon as we look at Kostas on the Bech the tears will start again.

Jill x
Jill XXX

Mick and Jill

Phil I'm sure it will take a very long time for us to get over the shock and I'm sure when we all get over to Arillas this year as soon as we pass Kostas on the Beach the tears will start again.

Jill x
Jill XXX


Hi Jill. Even your post had me blubbing again. Standing outside the taverna this summer will be a real trial for me and no I haven't got over it yet. I know it's time to move on but it all seems so unfair. If I feel like this, what the hell are his family suffering?

sorry luvver - I know I'm usually the life and soul...


Negg i have stopped practising with immediate effect. LoL

And from the other thread, i will dig some trophies out of the loft. :wink:



Don't stop practicing ! - Just don't hire a car - just in case.
( Insurance doesn't cover bad losers at the arrows game ! )

Arillas today started with temps of around 1 deg at 8 am and very frosty n cold it was too. - at 3 pm we'd moved into the 11 deg mark and Arillas beach was quite a pleasant place to be.

You can see, from this pic, that the beach is slowly being reclaimed by the sea.
............. and looking good it is. .

How would we know it's only 11 deg in Feb by this picture?

As I type away we now have 12 deg on the board.-Getting better all the time-maybe!?

Had a beer in Armourada and a small greek chat with Takis.
( Takis,as cheery as ever, who in all weathers, remains at his post in the Supermarket )
Still very quiet though and I think that those rumours spread about me, and donkeys hind legs, have found their way to all our Greek pals.
..... Do they hide away when they see a Red Pug approaching?



Those poor donkeys, I bet they would rather be on the beach at Weston-Super-Mare. They wish you would stick to talking to legless humans, instead of them, Eggy

BTW.  Thanks for the photos Negg. Is it safe to take some looking inland from the end of the jetty yet?



Quote from: TerryW on February 23, 2009, 06:56:39 PM
Thanks for the photos Negg. Is it safe to take some looking inland from the end of the jetty yet?


As soon as I've devised a way how to get the Red Pug up the two concrete ledges.
The biggest problem could be reversing back afterwards.

Jo Wissett

Eggy, Will Kostas on the Beach open do you think or will they keep it closed out of respect? Bearing in mind the Arilla Inn and general Greek culture I would imagine the latter


HEllo everyone
I was on the beach and... don't have much time to write...  (Lunch is ready) I think a picture  would say it all.... see you later!!

Dimitris Kourkoulos
Brouklis Str 7
Arillas 49081
Corfu Greece
+30 26630 51418
Brouklis Taverna
Learn About what the Locals want you to know while in Arillas


Lovely clear water, a bright blue sky and an empty beach - priceless. Thanks Dimitris its a lovely photograph.

Did you see any sign of a red Pug whilst you were at the end of the jetty?  :-).


Ann K

Was just browsing at work this lunchtime and saw Dimitris's picture.  I just had to log in and have my say.  Doesn't it look superb - almost like August when we'll be there again.  I watch and read many of the posts and usually have no need to say anything as the regular posters say it all!  Arillas is such a bootiful (that's Norfolk speak) place I can't really think of anywhere I'd rather be.  We were sorry to read about Kostas.  My brother was also, as he stays regularly in San Stefanos and walks over the hill at least twice during their holiday for a meal at Kostas on the Beach.  But on a lighter note, Arillas looks so inviting and bright today.  There doesn't appear to have been much more of the cliff fallen but perhaps Dimitris or Eggy can verify that.  Well, best wishes to all the fellow forum users and all the wonderful people of Arillas.  Will be at the Marina in August.


No word's needed Dimitris. Love Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


Who would have thought that, after a very wet "Clean Monday", we could have such lovely weather today. ( This time , last year, was a cracker of a day! )

Yesterday, late morning ,was much rain and put the dampeners on Kite flying but today we're enjoying 16/17 deg plus.

A few people around today taking advantage of the good weather and some, doing the kite flying, albeit a bit late.



It did look wet on the web cam yesterday.

Thanks for the photos Negg, especially the two from the jetty. I think the Pug is visible on one and and I can also see the room we will be occupying in July. Wish we were there now, rain or no rain.

Who is the person leaning on the Thalassa wall? Is it Wendy?



Hello ,
I must add also thi picture I took two hours ago while I was on the beach.
Sorry I missed you neel.!
This is Vasili from the Armourada with his kite flying high in the sky.!!
Dimitris Kourkoulos
Brouklis Str 7
Arillas 49081
Corfu Greece
+30 26630 51418
Brouklis Taverna
Learn About what the Locals want you to know while in Arillas