Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Just got a mozzie bite here would you believe!

Have a great holiday and thanks for the reports!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Just broke the news to the chatroom BG. Reuters (ie jen) saw the post and had to be front page news! Headline reads:




You cheeky lot!

Persishing thing was really itchy all night on my big toe of all places!  Of course of my mosquito stuff is packed away ready for Arillas and I couldnt find it!!!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Kalimera ladies and gents!

Arillas woke up sunny this morning but now it has gone somewhat overcast. There is a grateful wind cooling everything down and people actually seem to have more spring in their step.

Last night we finally met Marika and my colection of forum members is now totalling 6 (during this trip!).

Football continues and the Royal Ionian lager has yet another rave review from me ;)

Tonight Heidi and I will hit Corfu town for a spot of shopping armed with our credit cards and I expect there will be beer :)

Life is good ;)


Another great report, Erja, well done!

Quite agree about the Royal Ionian, we loved it too.

Enjoy the shopping - Corfu town look out!!  :D


I can vouch for what Erja says, it is a beautful day. Getting hotter now i think. Mytos flowing nicely. Went to Brouklis last night. We had a lovely meal. Finally met Dimitris. Still to meet Marika, but i'm sure it won't be long.




Erja loving your reports, sounds like your having a fantastic time.

Riggers have a great holiday

Sharon x


I second that Sharon!

Your reports are such fun to read Erja - they really put a big smile on my face (although I'd be fibbing if I said I wasn't a bit envious!).

Keep them coming - join in too Riggers, the more the merrier!!


p.s. Erja, been reading your blogs as well, brilliant, can I come on holiday with you two next time? LOL.xx


Hi all.

Having a ball so far. I met Marika about 30 minutes after i last posted. She is whizzing about on a scooter. I am just about to go and have a pint of Mythos in the coconut. Costas is on the Bar. Got a bit sunburnt (red)  already.




Even I look forward to these "Erja Specials" and I live here !

They are great to read and tell it much better than I.

( She has a good way with words, this lady )

Question is ..... Who is going to take over as O.T.S.P  when that return ticket finally catches up with her?

Maybe Riggers will take up the "baton".

27 deg here now at 6:45 pm and still very warm. Corfu Town is generally a few degrees hotter so EEG n Heide may opt out of the shopping and relax in one of their many alcohol establishments for a few cold beers, methinks!




Not ready for that yet Neil !!!


Hope you have time to get out and about, on the forum and Drinking in the coconut.
You could always have a walk up to the Tria-Adelphia  and see if my flip-flops are still on the wall.
See the post       I got a pair of white sliders for my hols



Yesterday was nice and easy here as expected on ones holidays. We had a leisurly lunch in Ammos and found the most comfortable chairs in the village. Portofino was full of of kids on a school trip and they caused even more noise than Heidi and I leaving the Coconut in the early hours of the morning. How ever, we did not let it bother us and just kept on chiling with our ice cold beverages.

Then it was time to hit the town and Vassilis from Arkokal travel drove us there in their bus and it never seizes to amaze me the skill that these bus drivers have to handle the not such  good roads that are winding through the olive groves and not to mention the other drivers that seem to be rather out of control at times.

There was beer in Corfu town which I kept on gulping down in between various shoe shops and hand bag establishments. Needles to say, wayyyyyy too much money was spent but it was fun. I lived there couple of summers in the year the sword and the stone so it is a very familiar place to visit.

Got back to Arillas around eleven o'clock and because it as late we had the perfect excuse to treat our selves to gorgeous gyros in the place next to Malibu. Then it was untypical move of straight to bed and well earned kip. Well, the amazing show from mother nature of thunder and lightning kept me up for a while but in the end I just crashed.

Today there is cloudy sky but the wind is blowing away the clouds. I will post an update after I have observed some more of the goings on in this lovely village :)

Life is good ;)


yassas erja - loving your roving reports!

waiting to read more later...
