Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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I am guessing Dimitris would be drinking something unusual for him  - maybe even Champagne?
We were in Arillas for 2 whole months and going again for 2 weeks :-)


Love the photo,s of the horse's.
Re Dimi and the drink I don't care as long as he enjoyed it and didn't fall of his chair and hurt himself, ofcourse that wouldn't have been from drink anyway  but laughter. See you in April. xxx

Stay Nude it ante rude


Vodka, of course. Probably Finnish.


Dimitris's "tipple" was Green Tea, without milk. made me embarrassed asking for a 2nd Retsina

Arillas looking good and pics will follow soon.





Yeah puts me to shame. I would also have been asking for 2nd Retsina also and I don't mean 2nd glass but 500 ml bottle.


Green Tea? Who would've thought? I drink at least 6 cups a day of the stuff, it's my other addiction. Along with Arillas that is.

139 days ....... I can almost taste it now! A bit of Ebaying is in order tonight, a new cossie or two is required :-) 


Arillas Today gives us a dry "Clean Monday"
(And so it should be a clean Monday after 135mm of rain , in March , so far - Along with thunder /Lightning / and hailstones yesterday)

The last week has seen many carnivals and parties where much lamb, pork , souvlakis and other meaty things were consumed ready for today.

Kites as per tradition may also be flying in various spots today and Tavernas will be catering for many guests where it is obviously something "Fishy" on the menu. Not a gyros in sight unless you cross the waiters palm in euros, maybe!
Many Greeks still follow the tradition of "meat free" though.

For those interested more about clean Monday , take a look at this link. -;


AND...... the story continues....

A few kites being flown on Arillas beach , this pm , with "Beach Point" enjoying some customers taking in the peace n quiet. (Plus moi for a beer)
... But only at Beach point end, as "Costas on Beach" were having a big Barbie!! . Many guests eagerly waiting for those goodies I saw on the "Giant Barbie".
PRAWNS - FISH - SQUID. Never stayed to see the barbied Octopus , shame really as may have got a "leg".

Good to see a busy Armourada as they also do a very good selection of food and are experts at fish dishes.

Then , twas off to Three W's , Agious Stephanos to be surprised by a carnival float outside.
Xrisanthos and his boys ready to take part in the Avliotes Carnival with his "Beatles Float"
He and his guys were looking good and up fer it. (Black wigs/suits n all) - I have asked he gets some pics for me.
(Giant speakers playing "She Loves You -Yeah" and I am sure he has other tunes lined up)
Costa , from Fanta-Sea, looked a pretty good Paul MaCartney. - If around Ag.Stephanos you must try his Taverna. - Another super place to visit. (Good Guy)

I enjoyed sharing fun with all these guys but...........
.....such a big shame , as I should have the camera with me at all times. These memories should be shared with all to enjoy. Instant memories I will not forget.

A tad of drizzle this afternoon but nothing that spoilt anyone's day. - 12 deg outside at 6:30 pm now but a warmth still remains for the day we have all had.



Thanks Eggy for posting about clean Monday. I love learning  about grest traditions like this. Read the link also. No matter what faith you or perhaps none I think having traditions like this are great. A lot of our traditions are gradually being eroded away. I was pleased that Davd Camerons plan to extend Sunday trading laws was voted out as it is good to see that a lot of people still want Sundy to remain a family day for as many people as possible. I will get down of my soap box now.


Quote from: Eggy on March 14, 2016, 06:22:28 PM
Then , twas off to Three W's , Agious Stephanos to be surprised by a carnival float outside.
Xrisanthos and his boys ready to take part in the Avliotes Carnival with his "Beatles Float"
He and his guys were looking good and up fer it. (Black wigs/suits n all) - I have asked he gets some pics for me.

This I want to see!!! :D Please post the pics once you get them!
Life is good ;)


Erja - These little tinkers, at Three W's, have still not given me any pics. - I will continue to pester the buggers!!

Arillas today gives us a 23 deg outside sunny day and a peaceful beach time for all.

A few people buzzing around and "Quiz Afternoon" at Costas on the beach! - Eh? - WOTSALLTHATABOUT? -
(For me ? - I can only answer questions on ITV Tipping Point. (Sort of "What is the number between 1 and 3.?)

Anyway ... Hope to get the permission of Marinos(Horizon) to show his update for his Hotel this Summer. - Maybe tomorrow. - 'Gers crossed and all that.
Also , avrio . may bring some more news which will make all sit back and think.... Wowie Zowie!! -
Wanna back a horse when on holiday???  - Save money on a sunbed??? ------- All will be revealed soon. - WATCH THIS SPACE _  GUYS!



Look out for any offers on the ouzo Neill will be back 2nd week May


The poor exchange rate means that it has , technically, gone up  in price John.

We start Arillas Today with a 14deg outside temp which all hope will get to 22/23 deg by lunchtime.

And , how about this ??

Arillas has been shortlisted for a new idea in sun bed hire.
As I understand it, each umbrella will have a coin operated unit which is "WI-FI" linked to the sun beds, by the Taverna/Hotel owners. Tourists can select either 1, 2, 3 or 4 beds for a period over 2 to 5 hours, and pay the relevant charge.
There is no way this can be overridden as you are unable to sit on a bed unless it is "activated" Try it and an alarm will sound. A high bleep that will certainly wake up the neighbours! .The original plan was for every bed to issue a small electric shock but was against the "Health/Safety" law as should someone be sleeping when their time expired.....? .That would be a wake up call!!!

Anyway , good news, for those who want to save a euro or two, is that anyone who only wants to spend an hour or so, on the beach, can check each empty unit to make use of any un-expired time that maybe is available.
(A bit like using parking meters)

Plus...... the beauty of it all is that each unit is fitted with an intercom so you can "buzz" the relevant Taverna owner and order snacks and drinks.

A snippet from the local news says it all.............
"  Ein Anderer Aprilscherz , a little beach resort in Germany, instigated this "Pay and Tan" sevice last Summer and has reported the following benefits.
a. The service is linked to the owner and all cash taken is recorded on the computer.This eliminates the need of regular checks by Tax Inspectors.
b. There is no need to employ anyone to check and collect money from Tourists. The owner empties the boxes at the end of the day and prints his invoice.
c. An increased profit on sales of drinks and snacks.
d. A benefit tor any tourists who want a short time on the beach and not pay for the day.
(This now has the saying * Search and Scorch for free *

So , Guys , get yer change out and get a tan by the hour , or two!!!

And.... It looks like the Arillas Chemist idea will not be happening but do not despair. I am thinking of taking on a Summer rental and turning it into a "Local Bookmakers".
Called E.R.A (Eggy Racing Arillas)  It will offer drinks plus a smoking area and of course a dartboard.
Planned to open every evening what better way to spend some gambling time with an aperitif before your evening meal?? I need to plan/monitor the times though because, being 2 hours ahead of the UK, it could be difficult to monitor someone, for example, backing the winner of the 4:30 Newmarket when it is 6:30 over here.  ( They know the result, don't they?? )



Thanks for the update Neel,
I just wanted to add the picture of the Arillas High Street that was iluminated yesterday for the first time.

See you soon~~!!

The Arillas High Street 2016
Dimitris Kourkoulos
Brouklis Str 7
Arillas 49081
Corfu Greece
+30 26630 51418
Brouklis Taverna
Learn About what the Locals want you to know while in Arillas