Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Quote from: dylan on April 02, 2015, 09:16:02 PM
My dear wife was quite excited about the ice rink! told her to pack some willies, so she could go on it!
Told her I had got her some blue prawns from Aldi, because the Atlantic was colder this year, and she said okay, defrost me some!

Roll on the spaghetti harvest!

Pack some what , Dylan?? - It's not that cold. (Never could resist school boy humour)



Hahaha Eggy, glad it wasn't just me that noticed that 😂😂😂😂

Val n Bill

OMG......made me laugh louder than watching the debate by the political party leaders that I am supposed to taking an interest in. 😅😅

    Val x
The love affair continues.


Arillas Today has a strong breeze and warm sun. PhilnJen are sitting at Beach Point nattering to the various people who have said yassou. A German, two Brits, a Thai lady.... Does it truly represent the whole world?

This after we will be in role as the Village Idiots at Sharon's pool bar quiz. No it is not the season yet, but everything is getting polished, painted and in my case..... "Mythosed."

OK, pissed if I have to say it.

Arillas Today is just how I imagined. And boy, was I right.....



Cheryl and Sonia,

You are both correct, William is my son and Greece has done him good! For that I thank those in Arillas, San Stef and everyone that he has met in Greece; travel certainly broadens the mind.



Jez, he is a credit to you.  We spent many an hour/drinks with Will during our 6 months there, he kept us amused with his youthful outlook on life...he also kept us on our toes as he can sure cover a variety of subjects!  We briefly met in Bretas one day when you were shopping with Will...I think you were paying we do ;-) 
Your holiday deserves a place like this...

Villa Linakis on FB



I do not have to tell you to be very proud of your son!! He fits superbly into Arillas and has the respect of us all.

But... his Greek is much better than mine - Bugger! - I can still take a few darts games from him though.

20 deg outside with Arillas today and it's a "Sods the Darts" just get on with life afternoon, as we would like it to be.

(Sure I spotted Phil jogging past Armourada this afternoon.- Nah!)

Armourada , meanwhile continues to have it's facelift and I am very impressed!! Leon tells me that very soon I have to wear a black tie to gain exit as it is will that far up-market. - Super wheelchair access there by the way. - Good thinking.



Phil n Jen n Anne n Phil and me at Night Owl tonight for a super evening with wind down time spent with Nickos n Linda.

The icing on the cake as the perfect end to a super day.

and,,,,,, who won the quiz at Sharons??? ( Not me - I thought General Knowledge was an officer in the American Civil War)



It was indeed a very special evening at Night Owl. Nikos' chicken souvlakia just gets better and better. Linda seems to get younger and younger. And the place was packed.

Arillas Today is sunny, still and warmish. I would guess 18 or 20 at 11am. Anne and Phil will be taking us to Sidari later. Why? I hear you ask. In truth Sidari is a nice place to be at this time of year. But they are such lovely people we would go anywhere to spend a little time with them.

We hope to see our Eggy before we head back tomorrow, but he and we know that July is not that far away.

Best wishes to all from the greatest place on earth.


QuoteAnne and Phil will be taking us to Sidari later.

Enjoy your trip into Sidari, your adventure has gone by so fast. July is not so far away and we look forward to being there with you,(hope you have booked our annual table).

One month today and we will be having our first taste of Home for this year.



Enjoy sidari you lot yiammas x


Well today it was Arillas Today, Gone Tomorrow. We were calmly transferred to Kapodistria Airport, and lived the 12 hours of hell that we pay to be in Arillas. The UK trains are being done-up and we spent more time on stations than on trains. And yes, it was fully 12 hours, 9am to 9pm, but we had a stroke of luck at Westbury where we caught an earlier final leg. We had expected it all to take 14 hours.

That said, we are in great spirits (OK - vodka does come into it...) and in better shape than we usually are on our return. The weather there is worsening and the heavy clouds were spilling rain all over us having a crafty fag outside the Airport this morning. Here in UK? It is warming up and we may even get sunny spells next week. However, we would trade the whole lot in for a wet but contented next week in Arillas.

Jen made me smile earlier about the preparations going on everywhere in Arillas "I hope they use oil-based paint, or it will all get washed back off next week."

A magic week with some magic people. We are so full of thanks for everything.

Paul D

Thanks for the on the spot reporting, Phil (and Jen).   You brought some decent weather back with you. Baking in the Swansea Valley.
  One week flies by, doesn`t it?   Bet you can`t wait for the July visit? 

  Take care care, Paul
Arillas - `perfect antidote to life`s stresses and strains`!


Just to keep you updated on the weather situation - we had the most mahoosive thunderstorm in the night. About 1am there was a massive clap of thunder and Poppy (our dog) leapt up on the bed, shaking like mad, the storm must have been right overhead because the thunder and lightening were only a few seconds apart, the rain was battering down. Having said that we have had almost wall to wall sunshine today - long may it last. We had some special time with t'other Phin n Jen and look forward to the next time - probably in Glastonbury.
We were in Arillas for 2 whole months and going again for 2 weeks :-)


Dear friends is what Arillas is about. Paul and Heather, we will all meet up one day, probably b*ll*ck naked at the North end. 'tis how I first met Sandy x. Have we ever recovered??? Er, I think so. She told me so at a later date, but all of the issues lasted only a few minutes. And a racy pic of you Paul wearing nothing but a beach bag on FaceTube this afternoon. If you don't mind me saying, you cut quite a dash in that picture. Our dear departed Vix would have tried to take you home if she had caught sight. Ah, so would her male other half.....

Anne meluvver (yes I sometimes use that term again) we could FEEL that storm coming in when we arrived at the airport. Poppy has more sense than any of us four have between us. She is so worried that you will meet PhilnJen and enjoy the laughter and connection that we did the day before. Poppy is a true Arilliac.

And with 24hrs notice, we will wow yous both in Glastonbury (truly, in Baltonsborogh 4 miles away.)