Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Jo Wissett

I rise to this challenge. Free lamb chops for life off the boss for me (when) I am victorious..


Quote from: Jo Wissett on August 06, 2014, 10:23:38 PM
I rise to this challenge. Free lamb chops for life off the boss for me (when) I am victorious..

Rumour tells me , Jo , that you can eat more than 3 lamb chops!!!



All quiet on the Arillas Today front, today, still with 32deg around the 6:30 mark which probably reflects why no one wants to move very far!!
So hot that, if I had freckles , they would be sliding off , by now.

The Jersey Boys are here and John tried his luck at Rainbow darts , on Friday.
(Not sure if he mentioned to his wife that he was playing but haven't seen him since!!)
Jersey Steve here for a Tuesday night bash so hope he has told his family not to make other plans.

Met a few "old" faces at Rainbow plus a new one. "Cuddles" I think his/her logo is. If I remember correctly it is a while since their last visit. Must catch'em again!!

Mon Amour , beckons Wegg n I/, this evening for a lazy meal with minimal traveling.......
................"Tis just up road lad"
(Good to know I can still type with a West Country accent!)



Oo aargh meluvver.... blackbird, I'll ave ee....

So wish we could join you for a typical Kavaddades evening at Mon Amour. Did you realise that "mon amour" is French for my love,,,,, meluvver? In any case, enjoy your evening. Much love to our Wegg. Hope to see her for for real in Octomber. Keep fingers crossed that all the factors work in our favour......

Meanwhile, Arillas Today looks magnificent on the webcam. The online weather says it is hot and sunny. And amazingly, while Anne and Phil are at risk of floods in Grimsby, here it is warm, sunny and dry. A bit rare for Somerset......


Sandy x

Getting really hot here now...well into the 30s this week predicted...
Sandy x


And Sandy meluvver, you will take full advantage. Jen and I have no negative feelings or jealousy at all.

So glad to see yous while we all did our Arillas life in July. Those few minutes are precious, but in the end we have to do our own stuff. We did less "stuff" this July, but plenty of stuff in our terms. Arillas is a strange addiction. It won't be too long before they tax it or outlaw it. They will never stop me.



Arillas today is sunny with a scattering of Mythos and Corfu beer. We have escaped the windy UK weather and settled in as if never away, sigh! Yammas


And..... with a "bum burning" 34 deg at 6pm. WOTMORECANISAY?

EXCEPT..... Do not put deep heat on it!!



Glad you made it to Arillas, Gary and Carolyn, have fun and I hope we see some photo's. I hope you packed the secateurs :-)


I have a nifty pair of scissors on my penknife Terry, will they do? Another beautiful cloudless day in Arillas, just beginning to think what lunch will be today, such a hard life.



Looking at 35 deg, just after 7pm, just maybe there are a few of us hoping that you use those scissors to snip a few degrees of tonight's temp.



Snipping in the Brouklis as we eat. The Boss is on fine form.


Gaz, just enjoy. The Boss is always on form, but if you want some tips on how to put him on his back foot............. don't look here.

We've tried for years. We've stayed in his rather wonderful rooms many times, but whatever we have done, we have never phased our lovely Dimitris.

Brouklis is our HQ. We never feel that we have arrived in Arillas until he serves us a white and brown bread. (Mythos and Royal Ionian Real Ale.) Brouklis will always be that to us.



Gaz has not snipped too much from the temp as at, 36 past midnight, it is still 26 deg in the house.

I have 3 domestic cats here, all wagging their tails furiously, as I cannot afford air con.
( My thoughts are...maybe cello taping one to the electric fan. May not cool things down but could make me smile!!)

Rainbow was good tonight and darts was..... well OK.  Dimitris a good host, as always, but watch the darts forum for an update avrio.

Have to go now as Homer has unstuck from the fan and is currently gripping the ceiling with his claws.
(Jump you bugger...... I can catch you!! - Maybe.. but, at gone midnight I can see two cats up there)


Val n Bill

Why aren't you in bed? Don't you know a strimmer waits for no man.

And.....stop torturing the cats.

Val x
The love affair continues.