Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Val n Bill

Safe journey Phil n Jen, John n Dot and Jo's Mum n Dad and anyone else leaving today.......but remember you are not really leaving, you are just making room for someone else to sleep. Your hearts are in Arillas.

See you Friday Arillas when someone moves out of our room at the Mathraki ;) ;)

Val x
The love affair continues.


Quote from: Val n Bill on July 28, 2014, 11:27:05 AM

See you Friday Arillas when someone moves out of our room at the Mathraki ;) ;)

Val x

Sorry Val , but I have your room as Wegg mentioned the ironing is building up and she has bought another ironing board. Not interested in "Stereo Ironing" so Mathraki is a good option for me.
(If you really want the room I can leave the board n Iron there!!)

No Arillas today as the sad departure, of yet more pals, would make it a tad too quiet, for me , anyway.
( I need to ease back gently into the flow)

1mm of overnight rain, not worth all the noise that went with it, made it a cooler Arillas today, though, and my lil visit to Sidari kept me outa trouble.

Anyway..... Cheryl here on Wednesday and another rumour has it that she has been fitted with battery operated ear plugs. Worked by a remote control , in the short pocket, she can close lugs,  should I rabbit far too much. But I will know if she just sits there, with a blank look and just smiling away!!
Tis easier to hide away or give me false directions where she will be.
(Where is she staying, bye the way, she tells me diddly)

A clammy 26 deg here at 5pm with an outside humidity of 45 deg. ( Is that high??)
However the exchange rate of e1.26 eases the pain a little.



Thank you everybody who has been, or is, or will be writing Arillas Today reports!
And thank you Martin W for the lovely definition of Arillas:
"Think it's the perfect blend of everything in one place....ahhh!"


Dispossessed and forgotten, Phil and Jen are sat beside our bags ready to endure the "12 hours of hell" that is air travel, back to the UK.

HOWEVER, in a last ditch attempt at Arillas Today, I can report that I missed my third thunderstorm in 3 weeks, having slept like a baby through all of them. The July weather has been the strangest we have ever known in 12 years, but in fact has been very human-friendly. The nights have been mercifully pleasant without air-con.

Arillas Today says au revoir to PhilnJen,  but hello to many other like minded folk. To all of them I shout YASSOU!!!!!



Hello Jo Wissett

That was my wife, Val L, who said hello on the beach. Hope the rest of your holiday goes well. Unfortunately, as I type this we are back in the good old UK.

Perhaps see you next year for a proper chat.



Quote from: justphil on July 28, 2014, 06:43:05 PM
Dispossessed and forgotten, Phil and Jen are sat beside our bags ready to endure the "12 hours of hell" that is air travel, back to the UK.

HOWEVER, in a last ditch attempt at Arillas Today, I can report that I missed my third thunderstorm in 3 weeks, having slept like a baby through all of them. The July weather has been the strangest we have ever known in 12 years, but in fact has been very human-friendly. The nights have been mercifully pleasant without air-con.

Arillas Today says au revoir to PhilnJen,  but hello to many other like minded folk. To all of them I shout YASSOU!!!!!


You didn't wake up, finding out you had dribbled all over your pillow again, Phil???

And.... you are only temporarily out of sight but always in mind. Take care and be well.


Val n Bill

Only just read this, I was ironing for our departure on Friday. I am now about half way through.

Neill if you wait until we arrive on Friday I will bring you the other half of it ;)..... then you can take your ironing board home when you've finished mine.

Will even carry the board down stairs when you have finished.

Val x
The love affair continues.


Arillas Today started with Storms and ends with us back home in blighty, after a 3 hour delay.
Happy Holidays to all that Follow



hi everyone yes we are there till the 20thAug and Zacks 14 as well-and id lock your girls up as hes girlmad lol xx


Yes PnJ are installed in our other life here in rural Somerset. There are pluses and minuses, but I am struggling to find the pluses today.....

I have just read through all of the Arillas Today thread since we descended on our spiritual home on 8th July, and many tears rolled down my cheeks as I remembered some of the stuff that became the subject of our discussions. Even blatherskite managed to capture a few moments of it in my ramblings. (Definitions of blatherskite are available from our Eileen... meluvver!!!!!!)

Forum Today has missed the regular inputs of Arilliacs because we aren't friggin there today! But oh boy has it been fun sharing a bit of it with yous all whilst we were!

PnJ back in Oct/Nov God willing. No promises, it isn't fixed. But if we're there, we will share it with you all on Arillas Today.



Arillas Today sits comfortably at a 4 pm wind down temp of 28 deg. A smattering of rain but not enough to cause bald headed men any problems. Bad weather predicted tonite??? - WOTSTHATALLABOUT?

Val's offer of me ironing her "smalls" and Bills "Adam briefs" bought a tear to my eye. The tears come naturally, especially when I think of ironing!!
(Who remembers "Adam Briefs" ? - A bit like Patrick John's speedos but a tad bigger!!)

Cheryl continues to become elusive as the meet, I thought was planned for Wednesday, was really sorted for Tuesday. My fault, head in clouds etc etc. Anyway plenty of time and she has family here, so she has her priorities more than right.

There is a rumbling outside, as I type, and it's not Wegg on the balcony but coming from "up there"
Me-thinks we will be lucky if we escape this rumoured wet stuff!

For Val n Bill, however it will just be a bad dream. Mathraki with me, Friday or Saturday afternoon, may however cause them to fall asleep again. ( Tell me what day guys )

So bottom line? - All well but many missing an Arilliac T-shirt, turbo charged walking device, and a few red cards plus someone who could be shorter than our Viv.


Now with a PS - Thunder and Lightening and heavy rain at 5pm. (Twill be a good day avrio)

Jo Wissett

Arillas today for us involved a jeep (yes folks, only the Wissett's could book an open-top jeep on a day when it rains. IN JULY!! An
yhow, the day started off glorious so we picked it up had a quick drive to San Steph to check watersports prices (our bargaining tool for out two very reluctant travellers!) We had also said that we would take them to the waterpark in archaravi if they would prefer. So off we went BOILING beyond belief. What a stupid idea not to get a little air-conditioned number. It was like a hot hair dryer being blown on us all. Kids were ratty,  our tongues were lolling with dehydration so we stopped off for some cold cans. We took the kids to a beautiful bar in Peroulades called 7th Heaven Cafe. Lovely glass viewing platform and stunning views. (Not for the faint-hearted) then off down to archaravi to drop Max and Harry off. 15 euros each to get in which we thought was ok. Unfortunately we had picked a day which wasn't 'all inc' for food and drink (typical) but hey ho. We then carried on and I mentioned I would like to visit old perithea. Well I STILL would like to visit old perithea as we couldn't find bloody old perithea. We found 'perithea' but nothing else. We kep climbing and climbing in the 1000 degree heated jeep but decided to give it up as a bad job before we died of heat exhaustion! We then carried on to the other san stef and had (average) (overpriced) lunch at the harbour. Nice little spot but didn't wow us. Had anothe visit to Kalami and then had to head back for the boys. By this time it had started to lightly rain and by the time we had got back to the watersports it was thundering and lightening so we figured that the anticipated paragliding would perhaps have been an unwise choice!! As we still have the (jeep from hell) we are going up to Yannis and Litsas restaurant this evening so looking forward to that! It aint perfect but it pretty much feels that way! Yammas xx


Quote from: Jo Wissett on July 30, 2014, 07:29:53 PM
Arillas today for us involved a jeep (yes folks, only the Wissett's could book an open-top jeep on a day when it rains. IN JULY!!

You were lucky then , JO.

Overnight rain recorded, this morning, at 24mm. What fun you would have had if that had been halfway to Perithia (New)

Rain still on the forecast for today, though, so you may still have that opportunity.??



There you go , guys!! - Rain forecast??? - Nah!!! (Maybe the weather monitor has gone Greek? - Avrio)

5pm and 28 deg and all afternoon many enjoying.

Storm? - Wot storm? - Are we worried?

Good times had by all.

Jo n family, meanwhile "bomb" around in an open top jeep and get rays not rain. - CANNABEBADDA.



Really enjoyed your report Jo. Thanks for taking the time. As usual I identified with your irony and the way you can put things down, in a witty and amusing way. Hope to read some more before your time in heaven is over, but no pressure. So glad to bump into, even if only for two minutes.
