Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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:D I am now forever singing "Just like Eggy" :D :D :D
Life is good ;)


Brilliant Terry, ooh ooh just like Eggy, Erja, al be singing it all day as well!
Sharon x


QuoteOf course being younger than you I didn't remember the tune at all

Pull the other one Val. I bet you even know what band Heinz was in before he went solo :-)

I wonder if Geoffrey with a G would do a live recording of it at one of the darts matches at the Armourada, now that would priceless.


Terry - Just when I thought I was having a rest!

Terry, Terry Baby - Will you come out tonite? - Who sung that then?
( Or was it Sheri? )

Now I'll have to win the darts at Armourada tonite, without being accompanied by Geoffrey G.

No rain all day and the soil is drying to quickly so a twinge more would be nice.
(Overnight only though - Donna wanna spoil peeps prime time)

Temp here is 25 deg outside. Tis beena good day and haven't seen a sad face all afternoon. (Except me as I lost 3-1 to James this pm - Bugger!)



frankie valli and the four seasons Eggy!

We were talking to Dimitris in brouklis when you drove past on monday, you beeped him, remember!  We saw Cheryl and James just after that, we were saying our farewells in the akti and she was walking back up to the Rainbow.  Was lovely to see them both. xxx


Was great to see you Sharon in Arillas and several other forum folk.  
We are home now after leaving with a bang on Monday night when the lightning display, as we took off from the airport, was like no Guy Fawkes night I've ever seen.  Even the lights went off in the airport and you should have heard the screams from the ladies loo until they came on (generator on reduced power) after about 20 seconds.
Our pilot had taken on extra fuel to fly around the storms but there was plenty of turbulence nevertheless.
A different way to end another superb holiday in Arillas - wall to wall sunshine for 14 days - then torrential rain to see us off!
Regards to all

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon


PJ it was such a pleasure to meet you and Julia in arillas at last.  Wasnt that storm something else!!  We arrived at the airport not long after you i think, wasnt it scary seeing the sky lit up like that, knowing you were going to be flying towards it!!!!  Hope you back is better.
Sharon xxx


Julia & I enjoyed meeting you and other forum folk.  Arillas seems to be full of people we know from previous visits or via the Forum.  Just great when someone says 'It's Patrick isn't it' and makes you think 'who on earth is this?' before realising its the person behind the photograph on the Forum.
My back recovered quickly when someone told me to sleep on my side and not my back, and various friends supplied me with Iboprufen tablets.

Shall never forget that flight out of Corfu - the sky constantly lighted up with almost continuous flashes of lightning and great turbulence as we headed for a clear spot in the sky.
Best wishes

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon


Blimey Patrick, the storm had moved out a bit by the time we flew!

I had spotted you earlier on, then when I saw you in Horizon I said to Billy, I'll have to go and say hello, one day someone will tell me to b****r off!

Sharon x


I don't know if we will get a report from Eggy today as I have a feeling he is taking it easy

I hope he doesn't lose any more weight :-)

Val n Bill

My goodness, he does look really relaxed. Is he swinging the lead today, oops no he's swinging the leg!!
The love affair continues.



I see the headlines now! - Skeleton runs amok in Arillas ( Hammock - get it? )


Arillas today has been a day off for me as I have worked 20 hours in the last 4.
(Wotsallthatabout? - Bit o cash but interferes with my afternoons )

A very respectable day and still 21deg, on our super duper weather controller, at midnight. Corfusoon (Frank) and Nan are here as are Kes as are Mavis and Robin whose company we enjoyed at Brouklis.
Joe is here - Who remembers Joe then? Mick n Jill n a young Calum who keeps beating me at that pointed missile game. - Bugger!.
And , I'm bad at names but wasn't that Paul n Denise at Rainbow this pm?

At the end of September , can it get any better? - Course it can!
I seem to remember a Riggers visit shortly plus Phil n Jen plus others!



Quote from: Eggy on September 27, 2011, 12:08:33 AM
Joe is here - Who remembers Joe then?

I do! Say hello for us :)
Life is good ;)


QuoteAt the end of September , can it get any better? - Course it can!
I seem to remember a Riggers visit shortly plus Phil n Jen plus others!

"Others"??  Well - there's US for a start - Janis and Barry!!  Can't wait...  Also, and in no particular order and apologies if I miss anyone out - MartinW, Viv and Pete, Anne and Phil, Emeralddragons (meeting them for the first time on Saturday), Riggers and Sue (hoping to meet them very soon) .... 

I believe Nan, Paul and Denise, Heather and George and others are already there and will still be there when we arrive on 1st October.  Looking forward to seeing them (and meeting Paul and Denise)

Phil and Jen will be with you in, I believe, the last week of October which is half term in England.

Arillas today?  It will be Arillas today for TWO WHOLE WEEKS  for us!!!!

Janis x


Quote from: Janis on September 27, 2011, 12:39:18 PM
QuoteAt the end of September , can it get any better? - Course it can!
I seem to remember a Riggers visit shortly plus Phil n Jen plus others!

"Others"??  Well - there's US for a start - Janis and Barry!!   - MartinW, Viv and Pete, Anne and Phil, Emeralddragons Riggers and Sue , Phil and Jen will be with you in, I believe, the last week of October which is half term in England.

Janis x

Whoops ! - Just a few "others" then? - Good job some one has a memory.
