Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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It's been an absolute scorcher in Arillas Today y'all and we've still got a shaded 30 deg at 6:30 pm. Beach,Sea and all those pools and sunbeds have taken a battering this afternoon. Betty Swaddies all over the place <<< Think about that one!
( It's not a new Forum Member either! )

Bumped into Phil n Jen and Ref J and Dot relaxing in the Nut. Hope to see them later for a drink  I knew Phil n Jen were in the Nut as I heard someone broadcasting it.
( Now who could that be? ) Anyway they genuinely look like they are home now.
Many committee meetings to be had , I think.
( Charge to expenses like the UK MP's, alledgedly )

Exchange sits nicely at e1.145 & Arillas still has that buzz which you can feel in the air

Not at all bad, methinks. And August is yet to be upon us, Many people planning the Kavadaddes Festival tomorrow.


hi eggy
send our best to phil/jen and all in arillas ..yammas kay/kev/babs....x


hi we are over on the 17 do you still want some bombay m ix bringing over
i have a holland and barrett up the road


Paul n Gina
Thanks for the offer - You can never have too much Bombay Mix donchyerknow.

Phil n Jen as chilled out as ever Best wishes have been passed on.



ok will try and remember to bring some where best to leave it for you to pick up.
not long till we are back where we belong


Bombay Mix??  I prefer Bombay Sapphire, with lots of ice, tonic and a couple of chunks of lime....
Please pass on our best to all in Arillas at the moment - lucky people x


hi janis i quite like bombay mix, but as we are in arillas in 3 weeks i would like to confuse those anthis brothers in the rainbow, what spirits are in bombay saphire so i could sample 1 or 5, yammas, jinksy


Hi Jinksy, let me just go and get the bottle and tell you...

... it's 40%      It's distilled London dry gin, you'll have seen it - the bottle looks blue. I've not had any in Arillas, but did buy a few bottles cheap in Cyprus last year. I don't tend to go for "ordinary" gin, but love this one

(and only 1 WW point per glass!)


thanks janis, right up my street with that ww1 pt, managed to lose 2 stone so if i can get those nutters in rainbow to knock up a few i might get to lose a couple more pounds, but with all that wonderful food about, losing weight in arillas is like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, all but impossible, yammas


Yammas! I love the food in Arillas as well, but  because we walk round and round the village every day I tend to lose about half a pound in the two weeks we're there!
Trying again now (I lost two stone for my daughter's wedding last June but put most of it back on)   
Bed now


Lisa and Steve

Its strange but I always put on 5 pounds in 2 weeks.Struggling to get these off though.


Im just sat in the fast food cafe at the moment, abusing the 30mins free internet access they give you with meals (I had a brekkie... at 2.00pm!)

My last day here in gorgeous Arillas... its been windy so far, the waves have been breaking over peoples heads who've been swimming, got a few photos of the jetty/pier almost covered in waves. I dont want to come home, Ive got the day to pack and sort my self out but cant really be bothered, Id rather ask someone to pour some concrete around my feet so I CANT leave ;)

Ive had an absolutely brilliant time, possibly topping all the other times. Met some brilliant people, Phil n Jen... John and Dot... and the others, there have been loads.

Dimitris has been a star... very helpful and a pleasure to speak to. I can only hope that he will/can have me back next year :)

Ive taken roughly 600-800 photos, a lot of sunsets, but will inform you all when I have them ready to see! (Including one of our Forum and website host, scrambling around on Horizon's roof ;)!!!)

Tarah for now!


Nice to meet you out here Sam
Hope the trip back was OK
Take care


Sam you have been a real star. Have seriously enjoyed your company, and the Arillas Hippies turned out to be what we really are. told you....

We want to say a big thank you A Big Thank You for being part of our seventh Arillas adventure. Shame you don't bother with Robbie Williams - our erja is still sighing.....

Take care and have a safe journey back. I suspect we will meet again....

love and affection
Phil and Jen