Arillas "Regular Visitor" membergroup

Started by dimitris, June 14, 2007, 11:21:38 AM

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Jo Wissett

Spp, that certainly brought a tear to my eye. So sorry to hear that your lovely wife passed away but so glad that Arillas was there to help heal you. Xx


SPP, I applaud your bravery, to visit so soon after your loss could not have been an easy decision.
But Arillas truely is a magical place.
To visit a place that you have been so often with your loved one, but without that loved one, can bring back so many memories of happy times there together that it could actually make you very sad.
But Arillas is different, it brings back those memories, but in a tranquil and peaceful way so that it just makes you happy remembering those shared moments.
So glad you are visiting again next year, I am sure that Arillas will continue to make those memories happy for you, and for all your family.
Home is where the heart is - CORFU :-)


SPP so sorry to hear of your sad loss.  Hopefully the wonderful memories of your trips to Arillas will help, in time, to ease the pain of your loss and you can revisit special places, be amongst friends and those who understand.

I can't remember if I've posted in this thread before...
I first came to Corfu in 1999, staying in San Stef, with a couple of brief trips to Arillas.  Then I returned to Corfu in 2006 for my honeymoon, staying in St George South.  In 2007 my love affair with Arillas began and I've visited every year except 2012 since (although my love affair with Corfu lasting longer than the marriage!). This year I introduced 2 new folk to Arillas and they will be back in 2013 (flights & accommodation booked!).   As for me, I'll be back but sadly not in 2013 - working on the new partner but at the moment we have to find a compromise of sun and sailing (I do one, he does the other!!)  ... but hopefully in 2014! I'll introduce him to the other love of my life :D


First visited in June 1987 so I think with this and previous years double visits for birthdays etc was our 19th visit. Must be something about the place and the people we like then!

Val n Bill

Next season we will count our ninth visits, but the strange thing is we have only stayed at three apartments..... Marina, Mathraki and Makris, and they all begin with M. ?? Can we have a regular visitor badge, or have they been discontinued.
I think "oldgit" definitely merits one too.

   Val n Bill x
The love affair continues.

Val n Bill

Forgot to add that our first visit was in 2002. We then missed a few years trying to find another place that lived up to the peace and calm we found in Arillas....Not possible, so we now return year after year.

      Val x
The love affair continues.


Our first time was 1987 with my mum and dad, then left it until 2002, 2003, 2004, twice in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, missed 2013 but booked for 2014 making our total 14 visits for Stuart and myself and 13 visits for amy.


SPP so sorry for your loss - I am sure your wife will be looking down and being pleased that you are finding some peace and happiness along with all your lovely memories. Phil and I have been coming to Arillas for almost 20 years now, and still love it. We have just retired and are spending 3 months, April, May and June in an apartment next to Marvel, we will have our dog Poppy, a border collie with us. Please everyone come and say hello to us.
We were in Arillas for 2 whole months and going again for 2 weeks :-)


  we have been to arillas since  may or june 2000 twice in 2008 with our family and grandchildren missed 2012 due to arrival of another one! have been puzzled on retorn this year 20/6 to find that i have been removed from forum have now re registered was my last visit unlucky 13? will retuen again next year already booked but could be last time due to age.


BEAGLES age has nothing to do with our forum. Believe me as 62 now qualifies for forum youngster. Cerrtified Drunk and Coconut dancer....



ah but i can give you quite a few years on 62 phil these old bones are not keeping up!


Hi dimitris,discovered arillas in 1991 when I had to wait for 30 mins for a taxi,because we were told that Arillas did not get many people going there.coming every year since then,2009,2012 came twice,oh dear,see you mon,11th.


started coming in 20000 then 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 twice in2008 2009 2010 2011 not 2012 due to arrival of another grandchild 2013 and booked in may for 2014 think we  are regular visitors! beagles

Steve & Carole

We now qualify! 2 weeks Mathraki Studios 2011, 4 weeks Mathraki Studios 2012, 5 weeks Bardis Studios 2013 and 6 weeks Bardis Studios 2014!!


17 weeks in four visits, think you deserve a Regular Visitor badge for that Steve.