Mozzies again!

Started by Rugbymad, May 18, 2007, 12:28:16 AM

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Stay Nude it ante rude


I've had, maybe, 4/5 bites in the last 9 weeks and I think those came from working outside. We had Sliding Mozzie screens fitted to all openings, between the shutters and the doors so hot evenings we can have the windows open and screens down.
Very few insects get in at all during the evening.
Maybe the way to go, for all appts/hotels is to fit these. If I was torn between 2 places to stay the one who was advertised with Mozzie screens would influence my decision.
Could be a good selling point for owners.


I think there is a place with nets Neil. Only heard of the one though.


Years ago we stayed at Brouklis in the "Double" upstairs. Dimitris had already put a full screen in between shutter and patio doors. It made a lot of difference.


We stayed at the Brouklis last year (and will be this year). Those screens are a great addition. Fantastic to be able to sleep with the windows open all night.



sleeping bag zipped up, balaclava, and gas mask keeps the randy pest away at night lol


Sorry Mal - I must put my glasses on - I read that as "Baklava"
Why would anyone want to smear a honey and wheat dessert over themselves I asked?
And pray...... By Randy pest you are still talking mozzie I hope.
( I won't ask "Why the gas mask" - Someone else might.

Anyway - Back to mozzies. - I have worked out that a repellent is a lot cheaper than after shave so I buy the nicest smelling one I can find and "Spash it all over" the uncovered bits.


Good idea Negg, but I wondered what the randy pest waqs that Mal referred to!


Will they let him back into Arillas I wonder,?
Or will they just cordon off the area,?

Back to Mozzies - We find that burning a couple of those mosquito coils, whilst your on the balcony late evening, works wonder
Funny enough though, it's not the mozzies that annoy me it's the flies.They seem to have no fear in Corfu and land when they want & where they want.
"Mr Flyswatter" sorts 'em out. 7 in one afternoon for me. I may better it soon.


Or you could be like that chap that was on tv, and catch them in your hand! Yuk

Diane x

We were wonderin if the pest shield from jml would be any good to keep mozzies @ bay. It's £20 but it would be well worth it, saw it in Woolies today, a lot cheaper than others I have seen by mail order !


Whilst we were away recently we burned one of those coil things on the balcony, this was the 1st night there...  Mike thought it might be a good idea to bring it in and leave it burning in the kitchen.... well, it wasnt a good idea because as it burned it set the smoke alarm off!  Needless to say I was not happy!  We were running around trying to find some clothes (dont ask!) trying to open the door and blow the smoke out and chucking the now charcoaled mozzie thing out and turning off the smoke alarm... I thought we would have everyone running out at 2.00 a.m. having a look.  I was still half asleep from drinking a few glasses of wine (3) and wondered what on earth was happening... not funny at the time... No one heard it though when we asked about the noise in the morning thank goodness.

Word of warning from the now wise!  Dont leave your mozzie coil burning in the kitchen.. very stupid!

The other stupid thing we did now I remember,  was leaving the kettle lead hanging across the boiler ring on the cooker and it was on so it melted the thing.  The lead already had a break and was taped up anyway..  they were very good in giving us a new base for the kettle and didnt charge us.  It wasnt plugged in thank goodness as we only had one plug socket to work with in the kitchen.  Oh and another thing!  We tripped the electric somehow.  they reckoned it was because Mike had been watching dvds on his portable and it was too much for the electrics,  I ask you!!  We got home and now the dvd player doesnt work.. it has the power light on but the thing doesnt go round.

Anyone else have similar disasters?  With all the sun burn, mozzies etc. etc. you do wonder whether it is worth going on holiday.

Of course it is!!!!  LOL
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

Sandy x

We have friends who lit a mozzie coil on their balcony on their first night at Dionyssos 2 when they had just been built and were brand new. Unfortunately, it set fire to the table and Papa at the Rainbow had to rush out to put the fire out. I seem to remember the offending table being hurled over the balcony to prevent further damage....
Sandy x


Why has the Benny Hill music just sprung to mind while I've been reading these latest posts!!? :-)
At least you can laugh about it afterwards, makes wonderful dinnertable conversation!


The first time we went to Arillas was a September.  We stayed at the Marvellous and for the whole week I was curious about the spiral burn on the carpet.  I never did ask anyone and I also never saw a single mozzie all the time we were there.

Returning the following May/June, we met Mr Mozzie and his wife and countless relations - what a shock!  We were also introduced to the smokey coil and now burn one whenever we sit out on the balcony - day or night.

Incidentally, don't buy them in the UK (think they are around £3- £4 in Boots).  In the Arillas supermarkets they are less that 2 euros.

I agree with you about the flies Negg.  They might not bite, but they were certainly born to annoy!  I have just had the fly swat out in my office!!
