When is everybody going.

Started by sharonF, February 15, 2008, 05:00:19 PM

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Another guy with a gammy knee or two and stick will be in Arillas 11th June, with partner of course, that walk look good, how about designing a gammy knee walk as well, Brokoulis to the Nut should suffice!


Quote from: dylan on May 03, 2012, 10:12:27 PM
how about designing a gammy knee walk as well, Brokoulis to the Nut should suffice!

Me and my gammy leg will join that walk :D

ONLY 118 sleeps before I get to do that 8)
Life is good ;)


Just checked my countdown clock and now into double figures 98 days to go :-)


Visiting Arillas for the first time in 5 years. Arriving on the 21st May and staying at Bardis Sun. This is a long awaited return and hope the holiday will be as memorable. I can almost hear the Mediterranean!



Arrived safely after a nightmare transfer of nearly 3 hours. Brilliant to be here at the Rainbow tho and been made to feel right at home by Jimmy and Spiros. Was it worth it ... Hell YES :-)

Nan and Barry
We love it here!

Diane and Terry

44 days until we're back to see the lovely people of Arillas and their visitors that go to make our holiday sooooo wonderful!!!.

Diane and Terry

I shall be looking out for all of those with walking sticks.  Is this walking stick thing catching!!!!!!!!!!


nan and barry tell the anthis boys, hi from me london mafia they call me lol,,yammas


Roll on 11th June! Can't wait. We have been lucky with coach transfers to Arillas in the past and always been the first stop, but I know that it can be a long one if the driver chooses to do the trip in reverse...seriously contemplating a taxi this year

Val n Bill

Nan and Barry, the nightmare will be forgotten tomorrow,have a wonderful holiday and don't think about the transfer going home, you may be picked up last....if you're lucky ;)

Don't forget those of us who have weeeeeeeeks to wait before we see that little slice of heaven again. Love to all there at the moment you lucky bu**ers.

            Happy Holidays xxxx.     Val x
The love affair continues.


Hi Nan,
Have a fab time at the Rainbow (best wishes to the boys)
hope you have some darts with you.
We will be there in July
hope we meet up again if your over then, I will be looking for you from the eyes in the back of my head....lol

Jo Wissett

Ah Nan sounds like you are well and truly Arillas-ised! Keep those holiday reports coming!!


Hya Anne and Barry ( Nan)
See you in the Rainbow for your end of holiday drinks and my kickstart to my holiday drinks.

Mary :)

Steve & Carole