Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Quote from: EEG on June 23, 2008, 09:04:05 PM
But I will be back there soon enough ;)

And bide you do Erja!

What can you do in an Arillas today when temps climb up to and then play around that 35 deg mark? - Seek a little shade maybe, after having a grilling by the sea.

Tavernas busy around the 1:30 pm time but I still was amazed to see so many people slowly spit roasting ,on the beach sunbeds, around that time.
But why not! - Whatever lights yer candle as they say!

We're looking forward to seeing Sandy soon plus Terry and all others. Not forgetting Kevin who, as he is a very nice man, may find me wearing proper shoes when I attend his very special function in Corfu Town. Obviousy a trouser "do" and not union jack shorts.
( Union Jack shorts and black shoes and socks don't look right anyway.)

Cheers all from a 32 deg Kavadaddes, in the shade, at 8pm.


More cars on the sea front than I've seen in

Dave n Anne

Hi Eggy

Soon be with you now , 2 weeks on monday . Where did we say we was going for that meal ? Can't wait , maybe have a beer or ouzo or 2 LOL .




Didnt think you wore shorts Eggy, Union Jack or otherwise.. lol ;-)
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Hi Neil

Don't forget I will be there first thing Saturday morning, about 4.30 to be precise.

We will be the ones with the nine year old daughter, watch out for us please, I would love to meet you.



Quote from: blondegirl on June 25, 2008, 11:06:46 PM
Didnt think you wore shorts Eggy, Union Jack or otherwise.. lol ;-)

BG - Only when the heat really affects me and then only over the top of blue leggings.
( A bit like superman ) - Make a pic of that one Terry - If you dare.

Dave n Anne - Anywhere sounds good us.

Mango - Look forward to meeting you all
( But .........I won't be there to welcome you at 4:30 am - Sorry )

Not 9am here yet and already the temp is around the 27 deg. Looks like another hotty today. Obviously too hot for gardening this afternoon so I have to find something else to do. - Any suggestions? - Tee Hee!



Quote from: Eggy on June 26, 2008, 08:52:35 AM
Not 9am here yet and already the temp is around the 27 deg. Looks like another hotty today. Obviously too hot for gardening this afternoon so I have to find something else to do. - Any suggestions? - Tee Hee!

Well, you could always hang out in a bar and watch a film and think of us here in London town at work wearing a black suit feeling chilled to the bone by airconditioning :(

Wish I was there :)
Life is good ;)



Always open to "new" ideas so I'll give it a try and let you know.


Dave n Anne


Hanging around in a bar on an afternoon , A new idea !!!

Yammas Dave


You could always take some apples up to the Donkey Sanctuary Negg, or maybe just have a beer!
A woman has the last word in any argument, anything a man says after that is the start of a new argument!


I "bit the bullet" and gave it a try this afternoon. It works. - Eurika !!
( As Archee Meedes said once, I think ! )

That is a very good point yet, I fear,with my eagerness to talk they will very quickly lose their hind legs. But.... Yes that would be a very nice alternative to an afternoon.
Consider it noted!

The question linked, with "Arillas Today" is :- Am I going senile?

It only seems a couple of days ago that I bumped into Lisa n Steve and, bumping into them today, they tell me they are going home tomorrow!
Where does the time go? - Steve was very kind and said it could be due to the laid back lifestyle. He also said that if senility is setting in ,then what better place to have it.

Anyway... I would hate to put a temp on Arillas at 4 pm this afternoon. It,s 36 deg here now at 6 pm so it may give you a clue,

But... with a very slight breeze and the sea gently lapping against the shoreline it was a very quiet and good place to be. I spent a little while just sat on a seat and listening to nothing. ( Where I clicked the pics from )


Coming over soon? - No worries! - Plenty of beach and heat to go round.



I cant believe Steve and Lisa will be home tomorrow... was that just a week?  I do hope our holiday doesnt go that quickly.

It looks really hot there today Eggy and the sea is just as I like it... Brilliant!

Did you go in?
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

kriopigi girl

Kalimera folks !!
could not resist to have a peek and say hello from beautiful Arillas. It is our last day here and making the most of it. up early for a walk on beach just as Arillas is waking up. Breakfast at the Rainbow and now off to have a leisurely spot of dozing and regular dips in the pool.   Plan to hit beach at 5pm (greek style) then the big decision as to where to eat. Weather has been fantastic really hot. No sign of Eggy though just missed him one day.
Full report to follow  Byeeeee I need a drink !!!!!!!
Pauline and Kevin x


Kalimera Pauline,

It sounds like this holiday was the extra special break that you both needed.

Looking forward to hearing from you. :-)

Your holiday deserves a place like this...

Villa Linakis on FB


Pauline n Kevin have it just about right, I think.
Best time on the beach in this heat is around 5 pm to 7 pm. - Very respectable.

Arillas on a Sunday in June.
It's always nice to spot a familiar face - Or is it back? - Any guesses people?

It's a real hottie again today starting with a temp of 25 deg at 8:30 this morning.
( before that time - who knows! )
Nearly 6pm now at still around that 34 deg mark.

Loadsa people on the beach this afternoon & I wish I had a euro for every open brolly.

Chokka bloc parking, no where for the Pug so I had to park "illegally" Everyone having a good time and 3 pm ish snacks/meals in the shade at various eating houses.

Had a very nice chat with Jimmy ( Dimitris) and Spiros at the Rainbow this afternoon.
Quite busy,as always.  The Rainbow complex still looks as good as it did when we stayed there about 15 years ago. ( Jimmy had hair then )

Tonight sees the Euro 2008 final so what do I predict?
Nowt as I haven't got it right since it started, But... I think Spain will trounce Germany 3-1 so all you wise investors out there back Germany to win!
One thing worth a mention , which I forget sometimes, is that there are other places that show the footie in addition to the Coconut n Malibu. Rainbow Bar is one and I think the Akti Hotel is another. - Have I left anyone out people?

Had a drink with Kevin G yesterday who is excited about his renewal of marriage vows tomorrow morning in Corfu Town. So nice to invite me and I will take the camera.
With his and Kays permission I will post some pics, if they are good enough.
A few drinks tomorrow evening will be had by all and I hope to bump into Terry W. (After a few drinks I bump into anyone- I'm not proud)



If its football you want and are at the top end of the village, Philip at the Tria has also got a big screen.
It was broken when we were there in May, but he did promise to have it fixed for the FA cup final (he was true to his word)