my view

Started by dimitris, February 29, 2008, 03:10:21 PM

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Hello Dear friends of arillas ,
After some member's recommendations and discussions about how one can help this website by offering any help or financial support etc I decided to start this new topic.
From the beginning I have never wanted to accept donations from the members towards the upkeep of the website.  So I hope that you understand in my postings about it being a hobby and getting enjoyment from it etc.  Accepting donations does not 'sit well' with my principles and inner most feelings.

In my life I'm always trying to be so careful not to offend anyone and like to please everybody. So just sometimes things happen where I'm  put in an awkward and difficult position when I don't want to offend people by saying what I feel because it goes against my 'goodness', but there are times when I do have to put my own feelings first.  After all in this particular situation people can donate money and quickly forget about it....but in the long term it is me who has to live with the consequences...  What if I decide to end the website and forum? What if people think that by donating it gives them a 'stronger say' in what happens on the forum?
In the instance of the Webcam it is not a problem, all the Business owners who have donated have all had the benefit to their business in one way or another from our website, but even then I feel not comfortable collecting the money.
My vision for this website is that one day all the business of Arillas would have to come together and create a non-profit official association of tourism and culture or something similar. Only then, it would be clear and easy to deal with donation money etc as well us financial support from the local council and other governmental resources.
Of course I'm honoured by the kindness and generosity shown by the members in their willingness to help with the purchase of a weather station which is something that has been difficult for me to convince the local population, as there are still many residences that don't understand the feeling of being away of Arillas for a whole year and looking at this website can make people very emotional.
In order to keep things neutral and clear we will have to vote or recommend within our online community some members that would collect the donation.
After that we have to find out which weather station would suit our needs and once we find it we start collecting .
Any recommendations welcome!

Let's not forget that the aim of this website is not to promote Arillas as much as possible but to help our small beach village to  keep it's Authenticity and attract the right customers  I believe that we all have the power to prevent commercialisation just by being members of this forum.

Have a nice day!

Dimitris Kourkoulos
Brouklis Str 7
Arillas 49081
Corfu Greece
+30 26630 51418
Brouklis Taverna
Learn About what the Locals want you to know while in Arillas


Quote from: dimitris on February 29, 2008, 03:10:21 PM
Let's not forget that the aim of this website is not to promote Arillas as much as possible but to help our small beach village to  keep it's Authenticity and attract the right customers  I believe that we all have the power to prevent commercialisation just by being members of this forum.

Hello Dimitris,

Thank you for putting your view across and I believe I understand the point you make. We all have fun on this site and feel that it keeps us closer to our dream of actually being in Arillas. So thank you for letting us hang out here :)
Life is good ;)


Hi Dimitris

I fully understand what you are saying, so here's a BIG THANK YOU to you for running this forum for us, it certainly helps me get through the winter months.

See you in June/July time.




kriopigi girl

Well said Dimitris.

I fully understand your views and do not envy your position  trying tokeep eveyone happy.

This forum has been a life saver to me over the last few months as life is really tough  for my family at the moment.

Just being able to log on, check the webcam,read all the posts  keeps me going.

So thank you for running the site and I am sure the forum members will come up with some good suggestions.

Pauline x

Sandy x

Very well said Dimitri. And I would also like to say that I am sure you could never offend anybody   x
Sandy x

Paul C

You have made your feelings very clear Dimitris and I for one can see the position that you could be put in, as I am sure most members of the forum will. You have done a wonderful job with this web site and as it is your "baby" we must all take on board your thoughts and support your views.You would probably say it's our forum but we would all agree that you are the main man!! As Sandy said, I'm sure you would never want to offend anyone.

Baldy Barry

Very well said Dimitris !
I know where you are coming from !
Yammas !
Hope I don't burn !


Dimitris, I completely agree with and understand what you are saying,


I agree with all the above Dimitris. You run a FANTASTIC WEBSITE. Where would we all be without it.?


We have read your piece twice, and understand completely what you are saying and why. In particular, your passion to prevent the over-commercialisation of our favourite village in the world has everyone's support. Also be assured that NONE of us are offended by your views - it must be hell wondering daily what so many think of you or your site. Not many have the generosity of spirit to bear that for as long as you have. Well don't worry. What we all seem to be expressing is our immense affection and gratitude to you even though we may have done it in a way which has caused you pain.

Jen and I have spent nearly 6 whole days since end of October logged into this fantastic website. We go online several times a day like many others do. We will support you whichever way you choose to  develop it in the future. We are so glad that your hobby gives us so much pleasure and graciously accept your generosity in making it possible.

Phil and Jenny


Very well put Phil and Jenny, and true to every word.


Sandy x

I agree riggers...very well put.
Sandy x



I understand your views and you have my full support in any decisions you make.

Thank you for this forum



Just keep things simple... thats my view to both Dimitris and all forum members new and those who have hung around for a few whats all this about weather stations !!