A to Z - Photographs of Arillas and Corfu

Started by TerryW, August 08, 2007, 01:15:09 PM

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Taken 12.09.07 - expect you can all guess the spot!



Lovely pictures.

Is it just round the corner coming from the Bardis Sun near the sea breeze?


Scary scaffolding, taken on the road up the mountain past Priniplas where they are building a house with awesome views.  I am involved with H&S on a construction site so this really scared me!!


Thats Bad!! Sharonf what job do you do then?


Diane x

That is scary, don't suppose they have same H & S standards in Corfu !


You shall have to let me know how you get on with the lilo laying in May Lynn??!

I was going to say the same as you Shuey, its just before you turn the bend onto the front from Bardis Sun end.

Theres no way on earth they stand on that scaffolding surely??!!  How dangerous does that look, great pic though!!


Hi Shuey and Smiffy,
Yes, right first time, don't know what the prize is though - perhaps more tea bags for Eggy, ha ha.

Seriously scary scaffolding, Sharon!

Paul C

By way of a change, took this at the Rainbow last year.Quite effective I thought.


I like that almost looks as id they should be  dancing to music like the fireworks do. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


Quote from: pg32 on November 20, 2007, 05:42:58 PM
Thats Bad!! Sharonf what job do you do then?


Hi Paul, I am a site manager, it's vary varied, organising work on site, adminstration, health and safety is one of the duties.  keeping the lads and the contractor happy!

Smiffy didn't see anybody on it, but it was about 2pm so there wasn't anybody around.


Hi Sharon i am doing my NVQ4 site management and also have to look after subbies and all the H&S. I work for Costain in Birmingham and currently on a £5 million Medical Centre.



It always makes us smile when we see the H & S standards in greece when building works are going on..... really scary scaffolding..  You dont see anyone wearing goggles, gloves or even work boots.

  my daughter works for Lang Orourke, Crownhouse contractors and she is always looking at scaffolding and cranes etc... when we go past any building works.
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Hi Paul, we are working on council renovations., my employers are contracted to the main contractor to the housing trust.  I am responsible for the brickies, plasterers, tilers and internal demolition.  Everyday is different, which is great.  BG, i'm like your daughter, once you are involved with H&S it's hard to take the hat off!xx

