Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Breaks my heart to be stuck in cold grey Whitley Bay and watching the webcam, along with the great weather you are enjoying at the moment


I have a love/hate relationship with the webcam also.


Apart from a super looking beach and watching a few take on the sea and enjoying a 26 deg sunny day.....................
.................... was Ron sharing his chips with me !!! - They cook a big plate of chips at "Beach Kostas" - Twas my lucky day!!


Arillas Today , gave me my own chips, courtesy "Beach Kostas" and I saved some for Ron , but he never appeared.
"Now they're all gone , Ron" - (for me , a large plate of chips and the pressure was on , Ron.

27 deg again and still people in the Sea! -WOTSALLDATABOUT?? -

Brouklis closes after end of play, Monday Evening, and he has asked me to tell y'all that Monday evvening is a special.!!!!!
ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR e100. (Wegg doesn't eat much , after 7pm , so for her only -  "ALL SHE CAN EAT FOR e5- He will make a profit on that")

However ... I will take 4 people to Brouklis , on Monday , and see if this offer is valid for a group. (Can I take a doggy bag????)



So..... "Bonfire Night" is done in the UK and good to see , in the news, that everyone was in the spirit of enjoyment!!! - Yeah Right!!!
Why do mindless morons spoil it for others. Maybe a few bangers up the buttocks would teach them a lesson.

anyway.... no fireworks here but a tad of a breeze plus a 22 deg temp gave us a dry but dramatic looking beach.


The bench has yet to be removed, but there are no worries there. Dimitri , Litsa and family are off for a well earned break and the bench will still be there when they return.  A few guests still enjoying that quiet sit down so shame to lose it yet!!!

and...... with Beach Point , Beach Kostas and Armourada still open they aso have a chance for a snack or drink or two.


You all ways get f*&*&#g idiots who spoil it for the rest. Its  a shame for the kids.
I remember when I was a kid going back a long time collecting old wood for the bonfire and making the guy and doing penny for the guy we use to wait by the bus stop we loads and when dad got home from work my brother and I was so excited
Dad would go out and light the bonfire the flames flying up into the air the poor old guy going up in smoke
Then start on the fireworks.
Brings back lots of memories



Yeah remember it well, hollowing out a turnip, and the stink of burnt turnip as you wandered the streets. Hollowing out pumpkins - childs play. Don't no their born :)


I was once asked "Penny for the Guy" but thought he was selling it far too cheap. I gave him 5p and then he complained when I walked away with it
..... those trousers were in a far better condition than mine!!!!

Anyway  ..... back to Arillas.....A tad more overnight rain with some thunder n lightening but, so far , a dry Arillas today. Around 19deg at 11:30 but no breeze, yet.  Quite a bit of rain , over the last 10 days and those pesky potholes beginning to surface again.


and..... a continuation of Arillas today is take nowt for granted.  - Nature will play tricks and at 3pm a terrific downpour which turned many roads into little brooks. - The sound of little brooks is pleasant and I did hum along as Punto ploughed through these gems with the Punto engine screamimg at me. - Tis that a fanbelt screech , I ask?? -
Home....more soggy than when I left. -  (Probably due to a leak coming through Punto interior light)
Tis all fun when it's linked with the quirks of nature.


Friday and 16 deg outside at 6:30pm - Must be Winter on it's way. (Anyone got any "long johns" for sale?)
They always look good under shorts .... or speedos !!!


Looks like the bench has gone from the end of the pier, a long winter awaits us "northerners" till it re-appears next year.


Neil ask Patrick you might get a early Christmas present used haha



Arillas Today? - No rain and 16deg outside so no long johns -(No shorts either)
A fair bit of work going on at Ina's but many here frustrated by much recent rain. - Many catchups planned but the forecast , for the weekend, does not look good.



Now you know how we feel rain all the time



Nah , Nah de dah nah.... - We got rain plus a beach plus tavernas to enjoy an ouzo whilst we take in the view.
and... a dartboard , although I confess those trebles are too smalll.
So there!!! - and, as we used to say in Somerset - In yer face matey!!!