Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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XaXa Neill! Arillas Today for PhilnJen took us all the way to Beach Point, The Nut and Graziella. Only just back. At the Nut we learned that Robert White and lovely wife Nicola are now here. Truth is, we had a couple of drinks with them and renewed a long lasting Arilliac friendship.

He is performing the Niel Diamond tonight, but we were already booked by Bobby for the quiz. Torn in half, we stuck to our policy - whoever we agree first is where we go. So tonight it is quiz.

It is still FAR too hot here - but staying out of the kitchen comes to mind... PnJ are well and truly in it. Yiamas meluvvers



Glad to see you both enjoying your time in Arillas and your love for the place and people is stronger than ever. Keep on Arillasing and hope to see you in October.


Hope so too Dai.

I think it is a little cooler today, but still very hot. Clouds are in short supply, and the clap of thunder we heard earlier might turn out not to have been thunder at all. Somebody said we might have rain, but they were wrong too. In truth, the weather is wonderful just now.

The beach walk late last night was very special - I love to go when everyone has finished with it. I got to the far North end for the first time this visit. It was so calming and so peaceful - one of my Arillas treats.

Arillas Today for us two sees Bingo as the main course, served up next to our room in Poppy's Bar. We will not venture much further than that today.



Yes Phil you stay in your own room today lol  ! Lovely meeting you both ;)


Quote from: justphil on July 25, 2015, 03:34:43 PM

the clap of thunder we heard earlier might turn out not to have been thunder at all. 

Been on those hot peppers again Phil??
Made even worse if you are not in your room. !!!!

I am just home in a 33 deg temp made worse by an 'ole Punto with no air con. (T-shirt currently in the spin dryer!!)

A lovely laid back afternoon chat with Val n Bill at Mathraki. They are here for two weeks so I will see them again (Unless they go into hiding!!)
I forget many times that you don't have to throw a dart all afternoon to enjoy an afternoon. (never too old to learn!!)

Phil n Jen are bound to see them and a good time by all will be had. ( As long as the sound of thunder is indeed thunder)

Inside house temp sits at 28deg and all stops are pulled out to cool it down.

A very lazy meal of meatballs n chips planned tonight but tomorrow night looking forward to a smoked mackerel salad. (Val n Bill know about this one!!)


Jo Wissett

Arillas today may well have been our last ever Arillas today had we not stopped to take a photo. We suddenly heard this massive rumble and a substantial amount of rocks suddenly thundered down the cliff literally feet from us! Very scary being so close so advisable to take a wide berth in the sea when walking to the North beach folks. I have attached a pic of the dust cloud immediately after. In other news, food is amazing, beach is amazing, weather is amazing, people are amazing.

Val n Bill

Well.....yesterday was our first full day after arriving Friday,well Saturday really after a delay at Manchester.

Bill started his day with a Mathraki Greek breakfast it was huge, he loves it because of the crispy fried potatoes.

Our first visitor was a stange man in a hat who stood at the end of my sunbed, I didn't recognize him until he took his hat off. There stood John the Ref 😀
Dot and his sister and brother-in-law were with him...... hugs and kisses and a nice chat.

Afternoon brought Eggy....always a lovely visit, we heard all the news then put the world to rights, the time flew by. Hope to see him again before we go.

After dinner spotted Jo and Mick at Marina and had a lovely chinwag but we lost Bills' sister and brother-in-law then found them in the Coconut.

Ouzo with Spiros at Akti.....back for nightcap at Mathraki, bed at (about) 1.30am
All together a wonderful day.

        Val n Bill xx

The love affair continues.


Quote from: Jo Wissett on July 26, 2015, 03:54:15 PM
Arillas today may well have been our last ever Arillas today had we not stopped to take a photo. We suddenly heard this massive rumble and a substantial amount of rocks suddenly thundered down the cliff literally feet from us!
I have attached a pic of the dust cloud immediately after.

Well there you go! Phil on the peppers again looking over the beach! - The case for the defence rests.

34 deg still being smothered over us all at 5pm. No trouble with mozzies as they keep sliding off.
Marguerita, Three W's Ag. Stephanos, says hello to John R n Dot and is pleased they enjoyed the apple pie.
Costa , Marvel, sends a big hello to Phil n Jen. - Must get you guys there to see him.
( I will send you an e-mail)

Val n Bill doing OK. (Goat walk springs to mind but I  am not sure if Billy has done it yet!)

All in all another hottie for yer bottie and rumours say yer bottiie is gonna get more hottie very soon.



good to hear you are all safe! reading your posts in a wet and cold Sheffield is keeping me sane till Sept! must check up on Joys life insurance!


OMG! Lucky escape Jo!

Amazing photo all sounds amazing...wish we were there!

Suzy X

Steph ~

Quote from: Jo Wissett on July 26, 2015, 03:54:15 PM
Arillas today may well have been our last ever Arillas today had we not stopped to take a photo. We suddenly heard this massive rumble and a substantial amount of rocks suddenly thundered down the cliff literally feet from us! Very scary being so close so advisable to take a wide berth in the sea when walking to the North beach folks. I have attached a pic of the dust cloud immediately after. In other news, food is amazing, beach is amazing, weather is amazing, people are amazing.

Good to hear you're ok though Jo!  We saw a rockfall when we were out on a boat, heading up past San Stefanos - quite something to witness.  All along the stretch of coast from San Stef to Canal D'Amour you could see the results of some huge rockfalls on some isolated beaches - to the point where we thought it rather stupid to set up camp on one as some had done.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the rest of your hols uneventfully.  It's a week tomorrow since we came home and we've got severe Arillas deficiency already!!


Well and truly in Arillas mode.
San Stef yesterday and nothing today.

Jo Wissett

I am sitting on my balcony with a Nescafé and marvelling at this place once again. I know that over the next few months such memories will keep me going until 2016. It's been so lovely to have all my boys together as well as our newest Arillas addict, Lewis's girlfriend. Our days have entailed idyllic time on the beautiful beach in the mornings when it is near deserted until 11, then either lunch or breakfast at one of the tavernas. I have sobbed (quietly and oh so sadly lol) when the first chords if music were played at the Marina Greek night. The kids keep saying to Elouise, don't worry she does this every year whilst she looks on at my emotional display in utter bemusement lol.

The weather has been the hottest we have ever known it in 17 years of visiting. The sea is like a warm bath with the pool even warmer. The food is as lovely as ever. I have noticed very subtle price increases ie: breakfasts a Euro more, sunbeds a euro more (North Beach) but I think that we can absorb those rises lol. For those first-timers our average evening meal prices have been
Around 60 euros for four of us which is two courses and couple round of drinks. We had a lively surprise yesterday when we saw Hannah and the baby in the coconut.

We hired a couple of scooters and went to periloudis and then to Dionysis in Afiones. Today's plans are taking a boat to Paleo with some snorkeling on the way. The days are now rushing by and I am already dreading our departure on Saturday. Life in North West Corfu is just perfect.


I keep trying to think how to describe it all, but in the words of a dear friend ............. LIFE HERE IS GOOG!

As usual there are many things going on, and many are doing them. From painting ceramic pots at Sharon's  to Yoga and Juice at Sea Breeze; from hiring boats outside Mirage to Quad Biking all over the island; from skinny dipping at North beach to lazing on sunbeds - our Arillas is alive and kicking....

Yesterday, being a late July Sunday, it was basically a traffic jam all day. Walking along the seafront was a case of constantly avoiding the pair of cars etc trying to pass each other. It didn't daunt us - we are used to these busy times and take it in our stride.

We had a wonderful "brunch" at Graziella then waddled our way to the Nut, where a young family were playing on the pool table, and we chanced on the lovely Sandra and Jim from Belfast. Much hot air and Mythos were shared! We were visited by Yiota, JohnTheRef and Dot, Lezeck&Ang and Steve who has been coming to Arillas for the last 7 years. Followed by an amazing meal at Thalassa, it added up to a typical Arilliac day.

Did I say GOOG? It doesn't cover it. It is spectacularly goog.....


Arillas today for us is going to be