Webcam 'Live' view

Started by Jo Wissett, June 07, 2015, 10:37:03 AM

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Hello agian everyone,
I know that the live view  it has been very difficult this year, there are several facts that make live streaming almost imposible .
The internet speed has gone really slow as the national internet provider otenet  has been offering broadband conections to everyone in order to expand their sales but the capacity, speed and bandwith has not been upgrated .
The result is that we are paying for 24mbs  but we are all getting 1 or 2  mbs  some lucky ones can get up to 4 or 6   BUT the upload speed has always been  not more that 400kbs ....
that makes livestreaming not so easy.

I have managd to compromise with some small amount of speed and fixed a script that you can view live images .

please try it here and let me know how it goes.

The local internet provider promisses beter services for net year
Dimitris Kourkoulos
Brouklis Str 7
Arillas 49081
Corfu Greece
+30 26630 51418
Brouklis Taverna
Learn About what the Locals want you to know while in Arillas

adrienne n dave

YES It's working fine for me at the moment.
I haven't been able to see anything for the last couple of months.

Thank you
instagram:  meadowfielddave


Thank you, Dimitri, the webcam is live again.


Well done boss. The 2 or 3 second update keeps it feeling live, knowing that the images are real and changing often. Well, it keeps me amused - but I could stare at an unchanging image for 100 seconds and still enjoy!

I vote in favour......


I'll keep it clean next week and the week after. Well, I'll give Aggi a lift up to wash the lens.