Advice please

Started by John B, June 23, 2011, 08:26:11 PM

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John B


Hope someone can help. We are going to Arillas in seven weeks. We have been many times before, but this year we decided to take our grandaughter.
She has been so excited all year and never stopped talking about it. Then approx two weeks ago she stopped talking about it, and when we tried to discuss it she didn't seem interested. I found out the reason yesterday. She is scared to death of going on a plane, she has never flew before. She was sobbing and nearly had a panic attack. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. She is 12.



Val n Bill

Being a grandmother of two boys aged 7 and 12 who have been travelling on planes since before they were born we don't have this problem. They both find it the most boring part of the holiday.

That said I do have some tips to keep them occupied.

If your grandaugher enjoys reading, let her choose a new book before the holiday, then only give it to her on the plane, likewise with hand held games or puzzles. There is nothing like anticipation to keep your mind off something.  Also let her sit where she wants, and don't tell her she has to eat or drink ,let her choose.

As it's her first journey on a plane, at twelve she is old enough to say what she wants. She can shut her eyes on take off, hold hands with you both or not. Give her gum to chew, it helps with change of pressure better than sucking sweets.
One thing though, don't tell her she's silly if she has a little weep, grown men have been known to cry because they don't like flying!!

       Good luck Val x


The love affair continues.


Hi there John B,

Sorry to hear about your Grandaughter's plight and I really hope you can resolve it as she shouldn't have to miss out on the magic that is Arillas as hopefully it will be a new generation of Arilliacs in the making and she will want to return again and again.

In a small way I understand what she's going through as my boyfriend Christian and I first flew to Corfu 7 years ago - but what I didn't know is, that he hadn't flown before.
I just assumed we were getting on the plane (part of the general holiday excitement) but didn't realise how fearful he was - not helped, I hasten to add by a big old bruiser of a guy sitting besides him who started to pray as we were hurtling down the runway.

It was a long time ago and for the most part Christian has managed to conquer his fears, but it took a little while and really came about because he went onto the internet, researched everything he could about flying so began to understand the process a bit more.

I'm certainly not advocating that for a twelve year old, it's not the sort of thing I'm sure she would want to do, but you could maybe point out that being in the air is the safest part of the flight - without going into any particular sort of detail.

Thinking about this, I reckon that distraction might be the best course of action. As a young girl, she might be interested in the stewardesses etc and it might be an idea if you could have a word with them and get them to get involved, make a little fuss of her, maybe get the Captain to give her a mention over the tannoy - that sort of thing.

I know it's pretty difficult when so many of the airlines have such a quick turnaround etc but there has to be a way of if not removing her fear, at least distracting her from it.

I don't know useful this will be to you, but one things for certain, I really, really hope that you make it and tell her that when you arrive, you'll take her into Yiotta's shop who has the most amazing clothes, make-up jewellry and she can pick out something lovely!!!

Good luck to you all.

BeckyB x :-)


John, this is a difficult one - do you know exactly what it is she's scared of?  If you can explain everything that will happen and that it's a fun part of the holiday you may be able to allay some of her fears.

Do you have time to go to an airport soon?  She could watch the planes taking off and landing and ask you any questions.

Has she been away without her mum and dad before?  That could be part of the reason if she hasn't and that would be perfectly natural for anyone.  She may have heard some kids talking at school who don't realise they can freak people out or someone else has passed their fears on?

I'm clutching at straws sorry and not being much use.

A few years ago I saw a program on telly about this and certain airlines offered the chance for a flight simulation before the holiday - might not be available or might be too expensive but worth some research maybe?

Good luck and I really hope she gets there x
Cheryl O

Mick and Jill

Hi John

We had a similar problem with Calum when we first started taking him to Arillas with us although he was a lot younger.  He would have a panic attack until the taxi arrived to take us to the airport, vomiting, crying, pains in the stomach.  All symptoms seemed to stop when our taxi arrived to take us to the airport, was always the same on the way back home as well.  At the airport we kept him amused by going into the arcade and letting him spend some money on the machines and by watching the planes take off and assuring him nothing bad was going to happen.  We found that keeping him entertained, game boy, mp3, magazines, puzzled always helped when we were actually on the plane although he did focus all his attention sometimes on the safety procedures leaflet.  Glad to say he is a new generation of Arilliacs now and has all his plans mapped out for going there when he leaves school (Eggy already knows he is moving in with him and intends to work for Perry and Kostas) ha ha ha. 

Hope you can encourage your grand daughter to get on the plane because she will love it once she is there just like Calum has ........ keep us updated

Jill x
Jill XXX

John B

Thank you very much for the advice.



Hi John this may help,
Children's courses

Over the years, we have been asked by anxious parents if we could run something just for children. We have put something together which we think is pretty unique.

It will run slightly differently to our adult courses that we currently run.

Some of the reasons we are so pleased with it:

• No more than 10 children per course
• You only pay one place for the child and the adult goes free
• It will only take half a day to run this version which is better for the children
• The course will take place in an aircraft cabin using virtual flight technology (This means that our young guests can literally 'step off' the flight as often as they like as the door will just be covered with a curtain and not properly closed)
• A real pilot will fly the simulator and you will able to wander into the flight deck at any point to see what is going on – something that you will never be able to do on a normal flight now!

Overview of the day

0930 Start. Introduction to the team, meet the pilots and therapists.
Two relaxed hours spent with the pilots and therapist

1130 Move into the simulated flight part of the day to take a flight. All the team will accompany you and talk you through exactly what is happening during the flight

1230 Finish

Please note spaces are limited and so will be awarded on a first come first served basis

For more information, please call Virgin Atlantic's Flying Without Fear team on 01423 714900 or click here for the booking form online

Stay Nude it ante rude

John B

Hi Viv,

Thanks very much, could be the answer we are looking for.



Jayna (12) my eldest and Mandy both struggle to equalize the pressure in their ears. Jayna also suffers from travel sickness. So as a little one Jayna wasn't big on flying and only the last few years have seen her understand the big payoff of jumping on a plane. (Having said that she wont be doing the seaplane ride we had hoped to do this trip). Worth pressing the point of how lovely it will be with the whole family relaxed and loads to do, watersports, Pony ride in Roda, Aqualand etc.

Then the drugs! Can I recommend Rescue Remedy?
A drop or two really helps calm the nerves. Might be worth a non- non drowsy antihistamine tablet too an hour or so before hand. Good old Calpol might help too. Its the only way to fly!

I always sit next to the nervous flyer and give a running commentary on whats happening in the cockpit and what all the noises are, Power up, 321 Rotate, gear up, flaps retracting and that sort of thing. Perhaps a toy plane where you can point out these bits to distract might help? She quite often grips my hand until its white all through.

My other recommendation is also that you dont let her watch Air Crash Investigation or Black Box type programs.

Style, Luxury, Tranquillity
Helios Court Villa, Arillas, Corfu.


Quote from: Corfusoon on June 30, 2011, 12:15:34 PM
Jayna (12) my eldest and Mandy both struggle to equalize the pressure in their ears.

I have always suffered with the take offs and landing as my ears pop like grazy and feel like someone is trying to stick an ice pick in them from both sides simultaneously.

Simple solution to that problem was after years of suffering to put foam earplugs (cut in half to fit my little ear holes) during take off and landing.

I found this out by accident couple of years ago and now I fly happily with no pain :)
Life is good ;)