
Started by mal, July 03, 2005, 06:56:13 PM

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the island was usually sprayed with insecticide in years past but unfortunatley the local population started to develope chest complaints and the spraying was stopped much to the delight of the little buggers


pity they didnt stil spray the place . i was eatin alive by mozzies. woke up every mornin with one or more bites, they are so irritatin, nothin really seemed to help the itch. :roll: prob shud hav drunk more alcohol then i wud not even feel them!! :lol:  :P


anything with brewers yeast or vitamin b12 will help lots.....db  just realized why i didnt really get bit all week as i take vitamin b complex everyday and you dont....didnt hav it on hol tho which might explain why on the last few days i got one or two as it must have went out of my system by then??? :roll:


ya aint that smart then r ya burt2000, forgettin to take them on hols???not a very good move. :lol:
wel at least now i hav an excuse to drink more n eat as much garlic as i like!! :lol:


:lol:  :wink:  :wink: You look like a bright spark, Mal!! :D


Dimitris,was telling us about the sprayingof the mozzies.they stopped doing it for 2 reasons.the first was because it was making people ill and the second was for enviormental reasons.The secret is to put the mozzie cream on before you go out in an evening,putting it on any exposed skin including the face,but be careful of the eyes and lips.I also put some on above my socks under my trousers.I put a tablet in the mozzie killer before we go out and then a fresh one when we come back in.I have not been biten for about 20 years.
Theres only one Altrincham FC


I have just recently read an advert in the "Times Travel Section" about an insect repellant called "Jungle Formula" - No joke - Honest!!
The Jungle Formula standard range is, as they quote, for use in
non-tropical areas. It does not give a price though.
Site is


yeah iv heard of that too.a few of the ppl stayin in our apartments had it.seemed to work wel enough,not on me tho i still managed to get biten sum how.i do remember a few of them gettin biten also but not as much as me. think no matter wat tho they are attracted to different ppl. maybe sumthin to do with the blood? i dunno.the women were tortured with them :cry: , possibly sexist??? :lol:


just did a wee bit of research there on internet, bored silly in work, :roll:  it seems that nobody knows exactly wat mozzies are attracted to but that they go for carbon dioxide and lactic acid emmissions, so my advice just dont breath out (carbon dioxide) n ul be fine :lol:  8)


:lol: reply to lindypops yes i am a bright spark work for a famous spark plug company :o


:lol: reply to lindypops yes i am a bright spark work for a famous spark plug company :o


:lol:  8)  :roll: You sound lovely Mal, can we meet up?
I don`t like being forward, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut. Are you attached? Sorry to ask so many q`s. Are you stayin` in Arillas? I am!!
Would really like to meet you, if poss. You`ve no baggage I hope! Not 6 kids! I really don`t want baggage. Would you like to meet sometime? Maybe, no, you suggest. Got plenty of places, but plz u say. I`ll be in Arillas 18th July. Look f/ward to seeing u. I`ll look out!!p.s. what do you look like?


D`ya know, I could really get me claws into you.  :lol: Nice to see you. Where are you staying? How long for?You really fascinate me,lol.I think you`re mid 30`s.


:lol: Mal, plz pm me. Not much more info on here plz!!


:lol: Will you be doing any tours Mal>?