Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Thanks for your gorgeous pictures Dimitris and Eggy. They gave me a real buzz. The guy/girl braving the sea (can't tell which on my screen, and it doesn't matter anyway!) made me shiver!

We will be a complete family from tonight when Gavin and Taeko get home, and looking forward to a really wonderful Christmas. Am sure that it will be special for you both too. And I hope that all our forum members have the same.

With fond wishes
Phil of philandjen


Arillas today folks was just as good as it was yesterday.

We saw Vassilis from Amourada who is sporting a very well grown beard. He must grow it just for the winter.
(All that "Fungus" must keep him warm - Maybe I should give it a go! )

Went to see Roula, Dimitris sister and super duper Broulkis chef, and had a very good time. A little English from her and a little Greek from us. We luv her to bits!!!
( Returned home with some more wine you can't get in the Supermarket !! )
I'm drinking it now and good it is too!

Tomorrow night we hope to get to Night Owl. - Their special tonight is "PATSA", think that's the correct spelling. Apparently it's a soup made from sheeps insides.
( Hope that's right )
Locals love it , so we're told but, for us, maybe next year we'll be ready for it.

It's pretty damm good here and, with all the good wishes, that have come our way from all, we both feel quite emotional.- Personally I put it down to far too much alcohol. Excuses , Excuses !!


Hi Eggy, nice post, let me know more about the Patsa please. Cheers dears. xx


No Thanks Eggy, Can you keep the PATSA off here please.......riggers....


It`ll be interesting to learn about it.


Negg and Wendy I hope you have a fab evening at the Night Owl and the PATSA I am sure will be an experience,may I take this opportunity to wish you both a Very Merry Xmas as Im sure you will, hicup and that the New Year brings you happiness, health and wealth, as the time will fast approach when your supplies will start arriving just think of all those tetley tea bags and pickle onions.


When I get the ingredients for PATSA you'll all know about it.

Bit of a biggy for "Arillas Today" folks. - Bumper issue, so to speak.

But first, on the way to Sidari, I just had to stop and take a shot of the mountains in Albania.

Hope you can see that snow.

And. on the drive in to Arillas, this was my first glimpse of the sea.

Very quiet and very calm as you can see....

A very deserted "Thalassa" waiting to spring into life next May.

And a glimpse of the ongoing work at Malibu - Extending the raised seating area.

This 'ole horse must have been wondering what was going on, as I drove up to Afionas.


Have a good day tomorrow all.
Neill and Wendy Egg.


Hello Eggy,

Nice pictures! Especially the mountains accross the water look magnificent, not to mention the horse.

Happy X-mas to you and the Mrs :)
Life is good ;)


Hi Neil.
Great pictures. You have had a busy morning.

Merry Christmas to you and Wendy.


And how did you get that horse to pose for you Neil??



fantastic pics eggy! The mountains of Albania look stunning.


I'm sure I put money on tht horse in the 1997 Grand National.
( and I think he recognised me ! )

Arillas today comes in at a slightly wet 10 deg with some rain forecast. We timed it a little wrong for our morning Christmas walk along the beach as it was drizzly when we got there and has cleared up a bit now we're home. Looks a lot brighter outside now.

Anyway - A Christmas wish to all from Arillas Beach.

And..... How well behaved it is on this Christmas morning.

All pictures compliments of Wegg.

So, it's 11:42 a.m. here now and I'm off to treat myself to a Drambuie and Stones ginger wine with a little ice.
The ginger wine courtesy of JAMES W, who I met during the year.
(I'm sure we all give him our best wishes & that his op/treatments were a success.)

Now, you lot,  get off this forum and in the kitchen or sit down to watch the " Sound of Music" or "Great Escape" or something.

Negg & Wegg


Hi eggy.
Great picture greeting.
Hope you won money on that horse. It's more like James Bond everyday(wonderful -not). And we mustn't miss the queens speech at 3 oclock.
Have a great Christmas everyone and don't get to drunk.


Lisa and Steve

All we have here in Norwich is grotty rain and more rain. Would much rather be where you are. Happy christmas to you both. See you in June.


Merry Christmas Everyone
Thanks Eggy for the pictures, especially the 'greetings in the sand'
Best wishes to all

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