Arillas Today

Started by Eggy, August 08, 2007, 04:30:35 PM

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Quote from: Sandy Davies on February 16, 2008, 06:31:13 PM
I think Wegg deserves at least a good meal out for putting up with your germs

Yer not wrong there! - I am a pain in the "rear end" at times like these.
I just might whisk her away one morning for a greek coffee with Ouzo chaser, one morning, at the local Kafenio. As an extra special treat I may let her drive the Pug.

Wegg has the constitution of an ox but even this ole bug has affected her. I haven't seen her struggle with any sort of germ for many years. - Never time off work. Now it's time for me to do a bit of fussing and TLC.

Forgot to mention today but I did a usual walk of the beach and look around. It seems to me that Arillas beach is either being very well maintained or doing it's usual nature self cleanse. Whatever it is you have to be here in the winter to see what "upsets", nature can inflict on it, to sometimes, appreciate the condition it's in when you arrive. It looks a very clean and welcoming beach today - Even with a chilly breeze and force 10 gale
( Exaggerating force 10 - maybe force 1.5 )
It's a great place to be at any time in the year and we luv it to bits.
( But I guess y'all know that by now ! )


EEG.... your are not another trekky are you....  all I can say is Mike might get beamed up one day..... I dont mean it bless him... but I have had a lifetime of ST... well 37 years of it anyway :0)

he's watching the Man U and Arsenal match at the moment... 4 -0 to Man U I have just heard him shout.  thats why I am on here again!

Eggy.... you do make me laugh!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Know what you mean bg, I`ve got a trekkie here, and I am the one watching the match. Other half not keen on my team! I`ve now turned it off! He`s laughing at Harry Hill, poor soul,lol. If there`s one thing on tv that  I am not keen on in all the ---------- years we`ve been together is Star Trek, hate it, but then each to their own. As long as people can have a little escape, then enjoy.



Yes. My name is Erja and I am a Trekkie :) Beam me to Arillas Scotty!
Life is good ;)


Live long and prosper, Erja

My book"A Policemance Tale" at Amazon


The weather is spoiling us here today !
Considering it was only 2 deg at 9 a.m. the temp has now tripled.
( And it's only 2 pm )

Ice in Corfu ? - Wots that all about ? - 2 puddles at the end of our drive looked like little ice rinks this morning.

But, on the drive down into Arillas, it didn't feel cold at all. Stop the car,admire the view,sod the weather. Not a lot of activity in Arillas this morning as, I think, all the wise people are staying indoors. - Which is where I am now.

Short n sweet folks
Stay well
Negg ,and a slightly bunged up Wegg. - My turn to be nice now (But I'm always nice!)


You will have to look after Wegg well, after all it's your germs she is having to suffer.
Bet she is up and at it within hours, hope you both keep well.

Wendy n Stu

So sorry you have not been well.  Hope you are both back to full health now.  We missed you.  Take care.  Great photos and love the reports as usual.  W & S. xx


It is a cold day here in Arillas, Last night it went until -4 degrees C.
It is now +10 but the water temperature is +15 degrees which means it is 5 degrees WARMER !!
That;s why I can see the Graziella Boys Kostas and Aris not kept away from their usal fishing habits
The following picture means "Fish on our plates tomorrow launch time".
Some thinks you can't get fresher.!
I passed by Eggys house today , tehy seem to be doing very good Eggy is 99% recovered, Mrs Weg has still some germs but they did not keep me away from kissing her!
You have their best regards,


Dimitris Kourkoulos
Brouklis Str 7
Arillas 49081
Corfu Greece
+30 26630 51418
Brouklis Taverna
Learn About what the Locals want you to know while in Arillas


Nice pic Dimitris, and good to see those boys out there.


Thanks Dimitris, and give her a kiss from us please!

lol philandjen in mallorca

(so p****d can't even spell it!)

love to all wishing we were there....


Really good to see Dimitris today. It certainly perked up Wegg considerably.
( He never kisses me like that ! )

I did take a 5 pm drive down to Arillas and that time of day, for this time of year, it was obviously very quiet.
It was a good oppertunity for one of those "Englsh Winter Seaside Moments"
You know the one - Sat on a sea front , munching sarnies, with a flask of tea, whilst the waves splash up, through the mist, over the sea wall.
Man against the elements - ( But only if the car windows are down )

Arillas had this at 5pm except the waves behaved impecably and there wasn't a mist to restict your view of................. Well. you all know the view by now.
I had no sarnies or flask of tea so came home, after a little P & Q, for a whisky. Medicinal of course.

And I think I now know where the Hotel Akti pool will be sited. Pictures soon.
Cheers All


I'm glad you are up and about again Eggy, and I liked the description of the Englsh Winter Seaside Moment, it was very descriptive.



I heard the Akti was having an indoor Pool Eggy. Is this not True?.


Quote from: riggers on February 18, 2008, 07:09:04 PM
I heard the Akti was having an indoor Pool Eggy. Is this not True?.

Ah Mr John Riggers - How do these rumours start? - I will get some photos in a few days time and all is then revealed.

Arillas today. And what a fabulous day it is too!  Who cares it's only around 17deg in the sun and mild breeze but it has to be one of the best "Feb Days" we've had here. - And a lot of the other "Feb Days" aint been that bad.

The beach is looking good. Maybe that is a sentence I should learn, in Greek, as I seem to use it more and more.

And, I haven't yet figured out whether Arillas is a self cleaning beach or the locals sneak down there at midnight with flashlights and rubbish bags.
Where's all that kelp gone that hung around Nov/Dec? Is it my imagination or have volunteers been busy clearing flotsam and Jetsam?
WHERES THAT TYRE GONE? - Wanted that as a spare for the car!

Maybe that's why the beach is so quiet during the day. Arillas locals have been working all night!
Tomorrow I hope to go on an "Ouzo Binge".
The Owl,Tria,Horizon,Malibu,Brouklis and Hotel Akti. (As Roving reporter of course)
Wonder if I'll find anyone about? - 50% success rate sounds good to me.

Cheers All
Negg, and a slightly better Wegg.