A to Z - Photographs of Arillas and Corfu

Started by TerryW, August 08, 2007, 01:15:09 PM

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I needn't say how much I wish I was sat on it right now - even at 1am. I did just that one night last month, accompanied by Lara and Cookie - Alga's dogs. So peaceful all on our own....



Fantastic photos BG.

The night scenes really give a feeling of peace and tranquility. Keep them coming because we need to get through the autumn and winter and the photos really help.

There must be hundreds of members photos that haven't been posted yet.




I think M is next. So here are Moggies at Brouklis

The kids in particular had enormous fun with them. Someone said "I wish I could take on home" and Dimitris replied with a big wink "Take as many as you like..."



Oops sorry!  didnt know we were still doing A-Z.... got lost in the excitement of being able to get my piccies on!

Those kittens were so cute... they kept jumping up on your lap at the table... well it didnt help that we were giving them bits of sardine did it!

I had no inclination to take one home though... we already have an elderly mangy old cat and dont need another one for the next 18 yrs. (I do like cats really but the one we have now isnt very friendly).
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.

Baldy Barry

Night time in Arillas !
This is my first attempt at night time photography a la "Marika" !
The bright light is the moon and this was taken in total darkness.
Got a long way to go to catch Marika up though !
Hope I don't burn !

Baldy Barry

Hope I don't burn !


Barry that looks great, can you make it bigger please,

Sharon x

Baldy Barry

Odd looking olive tree.
Reminded me of pregnancy for some strange reason !
Hope I don't burn !

Baldy Barry

Hope I don't burn !


Thanks Barry, brilliant photo, and I only had to ask the once for it to be bigger! lol.

Sharon x

Baldy Barry

No prob Sharon.
I've emailed you the full size one.
Yammash !!!
Hope I don't burn !


If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Nightime.... our last evening, 10 minutes before the taxi came!

If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


O.... olive grove

(looks like they are dancing!)

If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Over the moon to arrive at Annas in early July

Bit thin for O but couldn't find anything else....