Arillas self harm club

Started by nickb, July 30, 2007, 10:50:33 AM

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During our two week stay in Arrilas it has to be said we had a fantastic time. On our first night however as we walked past the Tavernas and hotels on the sea front we were alittle distressed at seeing people sat slapping them selves on their arms, face and legs...thinking this was some bizarre custom visitors performed we sat down cautiosly for a meal late that evening only to witness the same...people sat slapping themselves.

Perhaps we thought it was a convention for selfharm but by the morning we knew different as we to joined in the ritual....
flipping mosqitos...what a curse....and do the repelents they just light you up and say LUNCH TIME!


nickb  loved the write up.but yes your right i think we are all wife is fair skinned and by the 2nd week she looked like a measles case, we tried every spray on the market ,had candles in the room. one thing that stopped her getting bitten,was a mossie net i bought in the uk from a camping store and hung from the ceiling of the for me i just get pissed on ouzo ,i dont think they like taste.haha.


Try "Superdrugs Buzz Off" 100ml extra strength pump spray and put it on the exposed bits in the evening.
In the 11 weeks we've been here I've had, probably, 5 bites and they've been during the day whilst gardening. Smelling nice, just of aftershave or perfume is not practical.
Try some of the above.  - Mix it in, if need be,
Loved your post NICKB. ( The Arillas Yearly Slapping Competition !! - Could catch on )

Sandy x

Fresh supplies purchased today Negg and will be with you shortly......
Sandy x

Mike and Debbie

Hi All,

We all use the vitamin B method which we got from a post last year. Take 1 tablet a day for 2 weeks before coming and continue throughout your hoilday.Apparently it comes out in your natural sweat (not as bad as you may think) and the mozzies dont like it.



My family and I normally suffer badlly from bites but this year we did well with only a few. We used Boots sun cream and after sun, both with repelant in them. Thank you who ever it was on this forum who recommended them. At night we also used a jungle lotion purchased from Matalan along with the plug in things for the rooms.
All helped.



We tried the Vitamin B tablets and also took them whilst on holiday too, and had Marmite everyday either on crackers or toast.  I think it works.  We found SSS wasnt as effective this year.  Lynda had about 12 bites in as many minits and she used it too.
We used one I bought cheap from Asda, had an orange top (the label came off so cant remember the full name, "Ben" something or other, so not very helpful!). It was more effective, slightly greasy like SSS but more citrusy.  I only had a couple in the whole of 2 weeks and Mike had none.

I have had more insect bites back in the UK since then!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


I know a few you may laugh (I did myself) but I've just read in a walking magazine, that the British Marines use Avon Skin-So-Soft & Fresh Dry Oil Body Spray to combat the mozzies !!!


We have used Avon Skin-So-Soft and it does work. We didn't take any this year to Arillas, because we didn't think that mosquitoes would be a problem. I had lots of bites but Helen had hardly any. I told her that they just liked tender meat.

The revenge was sweet though, when swatting them on the apartment walls,  but they didn't half leave a mess. I didn't know that they had so much blood, but then I realised that it was probably my blood. I still have marks, 4 weeks later, showing where I was bitten.


A programme on T.V. said that mozzies don't tend to bite people if they smell bad. Maybe we should all leave our deoderant at home!!!!!! (maybe no-one else would like us either tho).


Hi Paula, dont know about the marines but I do know the R.A.F. do and also that State Side it is G.I.  They were using it years ago. Viv

Stay Nude it ante rude


I had heard of vitaminB tablets, I took them for about 10 days before we left for Arillas and every day there, also Boots extra strength, sprays and wipes.  Plug ins and candles!  Not one bite all holiday, alas, on the last night I forgot to put on the spray and didn't take out any wipes, woke up next morning with 6/7 bites on each leg, 3/4 on each arm including 2 big ones right on the elbow.  So wouldn't rely on just vitamin B as i obviously still provided a tasty snack!


There was an article in The Sun yesterday about mozzies, saying that what with the weather here recently there are alot of stagnant pools of water and there is apparently going to be alot of mozzies about over here.

They also gave some tips about prevention of bites, they said to eat Marmite as it contains Vitamin B which they hate, or take the supplements if you cant stand Marmite, dont wear perfume or aftershave as they love the sweet smell, have a spray that has at least 50% deet in it, this 'blinds' their senses and they wont fly near it, have a fan on by your bed as they hate a breeze and wont fly near one or wear a mozzie net over your bed.

James W

Now you've got me worried!!!

My wife and I are booked to stay in Arillas in early September 2007, we were not expecting mossies. We usually buy a local repellant when abroad, because they're made for the region. Any help on this one?
We suffer badly if we go without.

If you see an elderly couple (50's) covered in red blotches hobbling about Arillas, that'll be us.  ;-)

Sandy x

50s is not are in your prime!
Sandy x