Weather in Arillas

Started by gemmalou, July 03, 2007, 06:30:57 PM

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Does anybody know what the temperatures are going to be this weekend in Arillas and if possible next week?

It always looks abit cloudy on the webcam and its making me abit paranoid! Need to get away rom this bloody rain!!


Sandy x

Looking brilliant right up to 11 July which is as far as the forecast goes. There is a weather link on the forum which you can check. Hope you have a great time, and your mum.
Sandy x


Thanks Sandy those temps should just about do me and mum!! When i went last year there was one day when it was totally cloudy but the rest of the hol was sunny all the time. xx


We had a day this year when it was really overcast.  Sat out in it all day with not much suntan lotion on and that was the day we got sun burnt - so be careful just because the sun isn't out does not mean you wont catch the sun!! ;)


Thanx Shuey. Looks like it's going to be a hot one!!


It has been extremely hot there the last couple of weeks.  Mike sat in the shade all the time either under the umbrella or a tree and still got brown.  When it was a bit cloudy one day we walked to Afionas and my forehead still got burnt. It is very deceiving so be careful.
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


I have just noticed that Metcheck now show weather forecasts for Greek Resorts.

For Sidari see ......


6:45 here in the evening at showing 34.7 on the balcony. Sue's right - You're liable to start burning without even knowing it. Especially with that fine Arillas breeze you can get on the beach.


We havent been to Greece this year yet, still waiting for a completion date to move to Corfu to live.  Are there any comments from those of you who have, to the item in the Sunday papers which make out that Greece is becoming tropical rather than mediterranean?



Noticed the temp creeping up..when was the last time it rained?..hope its not saving it up for September


That's the problem here at the moment. The first week we arrived I think we had 2 very small showers. Over & done in the blink of an eye. Now 10,weeks in and that's all we've had. It's very hard for the working people of Arillas and indeed all Corfu. They want everyone on holiday to have good weather. 2 weeks good weather plus a good place to be in and people want to come back. As you know Arillas puts their customers on the top of their priority list. Thing is, not every body goes away for the same 2 weeks so 4/5 months hot weather pleases all their customers.
But, surrounded by Agricultural land, as we are, owners are watering plots,digging & picking at 06:30. By 10:30 they have to stop work. You don't see them again until the temperature drops which is about 8pm. Then they're out there for another 2 hours.
Very hard work. Builders too. Try, not only working in late morning temperatures of 30 deg but also going up & down ladders, mixing cement which is drying before you get a chance to use it. Don't even think about painting! - Put the brush down & 2 mins later it's rock hard.
I never used to understand why most Greeks sleep in the afternoon. Being here on 2 week stints, it was never too hot for me. Now, all day & every day I can understand why they work to a different rota than England. We're learning to adapt but 35 deg, showing outside at the mo, doesn't give me the same sparkle as it used to.
But... Like all Arillas we don't wish rain on anyones holiday. Corfiots will suffer and still smile and still be genuinely friendly.
(Even the lady tending her veggies this morning, wearing more clothes than I wear in the winter, found the time to call in and present us with a selection of her crop.
Sweetcorn. peppers, Aubergines, Peppers, 3 cucumbers and Tomatoes)
Sorry folks - Rambled on here - 3:15 in the afternoon - I sleep or I type.


I say keep typing Eggy - i love reading your posts. 
How nice being brought some veg by the locals. They seem to be very thoughtful. The local ladies do seem to wear alot of clothes and they are always black!  They never look hot or bothered like us!! ;)

Where i work i speak to alot of French and Italians and they work some funny hours during July and August also!!


The waiter at the Seabreeze just said "oh well, never mind" when we said it was lovely for us but difficult for them when it was so hot.  Didnt seem bothered at all about not having much rain since April, as if they will get by somehow, very laid back...  in the UK we have flooding, no water and its a total disaster, when it snows the trains stop, when it rains the drains cant cope with it, when its hot for two days on the trot (do you remember those days) we have a hosepipe ban... we do get our knickers in a twist!  I remember in the Uk when we had rationed petrol and we had to get our water from a standpipe in the 70's, anyone remember that?  also, loo roll shortage (perish the thought), milk and bread... I think the Greeks would just take it in their stride and come up with something else (sorry drifted off topic a bit).

I also wondered why the women wore so many clothes too.  We walk around wearing hardly anything, I wonder what they must think... on our walk to Afionas we passed a lady who had such thick woolly tights on and cardigan etc. carrying all her shopping on her head and under her arm. All we carried  was a bottle of water!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


Look at the temp. today 105 degrees!!!   Soooooo hot!  It would be lovely spend some time in that sea...its so lovely!
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.


A bit too hot for me ;)  It would definately have to be a day on the beach rather than at the pool - far to hot i would imagine.