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Welcome to Arillas => Arillas general information => Topic started by: JOHNB on March 25, 2006, 06:55:01 PM

Title: Air conditioning
Post by: JOHNB on March 25, 2006, 06:55:01 PM
Can anyone please tell me tell me if Annas has air conditioning. Thanks
Title: Re: Air conditioning
Post by: Anna (anna-studios) on March 25, 2006, 09:58:33 PM
Quote from: JOHNBCan anyone please tell me tell me if Annas has air conditioning. Thanks

Yes John we have and tv too.
When are you here?
Title: Air conditioning
Post by: lynne on March 26, 2006, 05:49:25 PM
Hi Anna not long till we come back now it's Ian Lynne & Chelsea also our son and his girlfriend are joining us the 2nd wk looking forward to seeing you all xx
Title: Air conditioning
Post by: Anna (anna-studios) on March 28, 2006, 01:05:13 AM
hi Lynne
i cant wait to see you all and meet your son this time and also we have a big party for (OOU CAROL)and roger knapp(roger!!!!!!!!!!!)i wish to be a nice boy this time(not sure about it!!!)

give a big kiss to chelsea from all.

they know why i say oou carol and roger!!!!!!!!!

love to all
Title: Air conditioning
Post by: nesty on March 28, 2006, 02:04:34 PM
Hi Anna - yes - wont be long now - will be in touch about party - and blessing at Church....

OOOH CAROL is very well and looking forward to the hols. I am going to behave I promise !!

See you soon. Chelsea -  better get some pool practice in.....

Love to all.... xxx
Title: Air conditioning
Post by: lynne on March 30, 2006, 07:26:59 PM
Not sure what this oou carol is but I think I can guess I hope Roger hasn't been giving her too much oozo.Chelsea said thanks for the kiss. My son is home this week and has been reading all the posts he can't wait to meet all the new faces and the old ones too. He's brushing up on his pool to whoop Thassos. xx
Title: Air conditioning
Post by: Anna (anna-studios) on April 01, 2006, 10:39:34 PM
Quote from: lynneNot sure what this oou carol is but I think I can guess I hope Roger hasn't been giving her too much oozo.Chelsea said thanks for the kiss. My son is home this week and has been reading all the posts he can't wait to meet all the new faces and the old ones too. He's brushing up on his pool to whoop Thassos. xx

Whoop Thassos?
Did you mean win tasos? (my english not good enough)!
If you mean that and he is really good Tasos he is in trouble .
He doesnt like to lose!
Love to all of you

Anna and family
Title: Air conditioning
Post by: lynne on April 02, 2006, 10:48:41 AM
sorry Anna I did mean win Tasos, and your English is 100% better than my greek although I am trying harder. And its not just Tasos who doesn't like to lose all boys are same it's their competetive nature. See you soon cant wait xxxx  :roll:
Title: Air conditioning
Post by: nesty on April 02, 2006, 07:56:10 PM
I know enough Greek to be able to order squid and a pint of lager !!

Anyway - OUH CAROL comes from the song of the same name - nothing more sinister, and ROGER !!!!!! is what Carol says everytime I jump in the pool and drown everyone on the side !! LOL ! - anyway Anna I will be good boy this time.
Title: Air conditioning
Post by: lynne on April 03, 2006, 09:56:23 AM
Thanks for clearing that up for me Roger. Although I was in no doubt that it would have been good clean harmless fun. However you do realise that I have that tune in my head now and will be singing it all day....... :o