Arillas Forum

Welcome to Arillas => Arillas general information => Topic started by: gaye on April 20, 2005, 01:51:01 AM

Title: summer 2005
Post by: gaye on April 20, 2005, 01:51:01 AM
Not booked ! Anyone in Arillas reading this web site able to offer accomodation for 4 people for one maybe two weeks from the 8th July let me know purleeze!!!!
Title: summer 2005
Post by: Eileen on April 20, 2005, 11:06:50 AM
Hello Gaye,

Are you looking to book flight only and just looking for an apartment or are you looking for a package deal?

Title: accommodation in arillas
Post by: gaye on April 20, 2005, 09:47:10 PM
Hi Eileen
              We are looking for a package....4 of us [3 adults and a 16 year old ] any time from July 11th onwards.
Title: summer 2005
Post by: alex on April 20, 2005, 10:23:32 PM
try manos they have some good deals about alex
Title: summer 2005
Post by: Eileen on April 21, 2005, 11:27:50 AM
Hi' Gaye,

I had a look for you and apart from 'allocation on arrival' type holidays these are the least expensive that I can find:

Manos (via 14 nights.

Dep Man 11/07 08.40

Kokinos apartments (s/c) price £1252

Tropicana apartments (s/c) 1x1bedroom sleeps price £1316


Dep Man 11/07 21.30 arr Corfu 02.50
Dep Corfu 26/04 03.50 arr Man 05.15

Mathraki Apts price £1394
(same apts but slightly better flight times is £1482)

All the above include transfers.

Flight Only:

Dep Man 08/07 20.45, arr Corfu 02.05
Dep Corfu 23/07 arr Man 04.35
Total price £809

Dep Man 11/07 10.30, arr Corfu 15.55
Dep Corfu 25/07 16.55 arr Man 18.35
Total price £849

It is not difficult to arrange your own accomodation in Arillas, but you do also have transfers to pay for on top.  It would be difficult to beat the Manos price versus arranging a diy hol, but you do get to choose accomodation which maybe suits your requirements better and the Excel £849 flights above are good departure times.  There are lots of apartments to choose from if you wish to arrange a diy holiday, you can find links on this site, also Arkokal Travel in Arillas has some lovely accomodation (they are very helpful and will arrange your taxi too), if you cannot find the web address or link on this site I will look it out for you.

I hope this helps a little and gives you an idea of costs, you will find reviews on the above accom on this forum.

Title: summer 2005
Post by: Eileen on April 21, 2005, 06:20:55 PM

An update on the flight only prices.

I was reading my magazine called funnily enough Greece (in my teabreak of course :oops: )  Excel are offering a discount to the readers of the magazine,  so instead of the address which I gave you previously go to    and you will each receive £20 discount making a grand total of £769 for your 4 daytime flights or £729 for your night flights.

Title: arillas/summer
Post by: gaye on April 21, 2005, 10:34:15 PM
Thanks Eileen
                     So sweet of you to go to all that trouble. You have been really helpful and given me so much to go on!
                                                                   Cheers....will get on to planning now! Thanks again. Are you going this year?
Title: summer 2005
Post by: Eileen on April 21, 2005, 10:42:21 PM
Yeah Gaye, we arrive on the 24th June for 3 weeks staying at the Mathraki, we usually always stay there, but this is the first time we have been for 3 weeks. :D We're really looking forward to it, gawds I'll be at least a stone heavier by the time I get home, eating out in Arillas is definately one of the highlights of my holiday.

By the way I forgot to check Thomas Cook for you, so maybe you should have a look at their website...(amended this post fri morn) second thoughts don't bother, I've been checking for flight only for someonelse and thought that I'd check for you too.  The Kokinos apts are £100 dearer and yet it is the same flight as the My Travel one!

Good luck and let us all know how you get on.
