Arillas Forum

Welcome to Arillas => "Webcam & more" Comments => Topic started by: Paul D on January 13, 2009, 05:48:18 PM

Title: Martin W May 2008 Slideshow Revisited
Post by: Paul D on January 13, 2009, 05:48:18 PM
Hi, everyone.   I`ve been revisiting the video section of this site and have to say that each contribution is great and thanks to all that have posted them. I`ve done this to mainly cheer myself up a little and remind me of what awaits in June(as if I could forget).
               One of the longest videos has to be Martin W`s May 2008 slideshow which I thought was excellent. Having been a few times now, there were some locations that I didn`t recognise, which I intend to find when we are there next. So, Martin, well done and thanks for sharing your memories with us. As I have now got a camcorder, it will be glued to my hand whilst walking around Arillas etc.   
         Most locations around the area are great for filming, but what do you all think are the best places to film ? (it would be interesting to know).

            Best Wishes   Paul D
Title: Re: Martin W May 2008 Slideshow Revisited
Post by: martin-w on January 14, 2009, 08:03:05 PM
Hi Paul D!
I am glad you enjoyed my slide show, and thank you for your compliments! It was my first 'serious' attempt at compiling a suitable 'video' for youtube to be posted on the Arillas website. It is made up of about half of the 700 shots of the village and the surrounding area assembled using my Apple Mac G4 and iPhoto. The music was purchased in Arillas in the supermarket near Brouklis. It took me quite a while to assemble but I am pleased with the result.
I use a Fuji Finepix S9500 digital SLR camera and take it with me everywhere. Arillas is such a photogenic sort of a place. The scenery changes with the time of day and the type of sky/weather and although I have taken the same 'shots' on various visits no two are the same. There is an abundance of flora and fauna to photograph as well. I could not include friends, both local and visitors, as the terms of youtube do not allow it.
The slide show is based on Arillas with walks to Ag Stef via both the road and the cliff path, with a visit to the little church you can see from the beach, inside and out. There are photos of Arillas church and the 'back' road and the cliff walk from Arillas to Afionas and Ag. Georgeos. Lots of detours along 'interesting' paths off the 'tourist' bits.
No matter where you go in and around Arillas there is always something to photograph. Just keep looking and be prepared for 'surprise' shots. Good luck with your camcorder in June! I use a little book called 'Walks in North West Corfu' when I am there. There are various posts on this publication on the forum. If you look on my posts for last year I'm sure I gave the details to someone else wanting the info.
All the best,