Arillas Forum

Welcome to Arillas => Website technical problems & questions => Topic started by: mumsy2 on July 11, 2007, 05:54:22 PM

Title: skype
Post by: mumsy2 on July 11, 2007, 05:54:22 PM
I have just found out from our rival forum Agni travel, that they have skype, and I can talk to them.  Do you have it Dimitris, or does anyone else?  Its great 'cos it's free.  Marie
Title: Re: skype
Post by: vivian on July 11, 2007, 06:28:10 PM
I dont regard the Agni Forum as a rival site, and think having skype is a smashing thing to have, I use it all the time. Don't know if Dimitris has tough. Viv
Title: Re: skype
Post by: Erja on July 11, 2007, 08:48:57 PM
Skype has made such a difference in my life because it is free. Now I can save my pennies to my holidays. Plus when I take my laptop with me abroad, I can use it everywhere to call family & friends , which is nice :)
Title: Re: skype
Post by: mumsy2 on July 11, 2007, 09:33:08 PM

The problem with the written forum is that one doesn't get the vocal tones, 'rival' was not meant as anything bad, just jokey and in parenthesis. maybe I should have added the parenthesis.


I too find it very useful, until now I have only used it to talk to my sons, one in London and one in the US.  Maybe I should start collecting contacts.  Hows the cupboards going on BTW?

Title: Re: skype
Post by: Sandy x on July 12, 2007, 11:34:38 PM
Oh dear....I have never even heard of skype. Is this some horrible new device/system that I am going to have to master....or should I say mistress?
Title: Re: skype
Post by: mumsy2 on July 13, 2007, 01:02:31 AM
Hi Sandy

I don't really know how it works.  My son gives me these facilities and I hope for the best.

As I understand it, if you know a few people who have skype you can chat to them without paying anything, providing you have a mike and speakers. ( I got Skype by having it downloaded)

If, say, you have a few friends in America for instance, you can 'Buy' an american telephone number, with this you can then dial, by means of a number pad on the screen, their American telephone number.  The call will cost you the price of a local call in America, instead of a long distance from the UK. ( you buy units on line)  To use it instead of a telephone in this country you buy a uk phone number and some units,  the call costs are a lot cheaper than by proper phone.

So, living in Corfu, and having 'bought 'a uk phone number you can call your family and friends much cheaper.

Better still get them to download skype and then you can chat for free.

I think I've got it right, I've not had it long.


Title: Re: skype
Post by: blondegirl on July 13, 2007, 01:06:26 AM
We have Skype and I talk to my friend in Crete.  If I am on the computer, it rings and then we connect and chat away.  Its brilliant!  One day she spoke to me wanting something quickly and I was able to email an attachment and it was all done in 5 mins.  Wonders of technology!  And its FREE!  We got the microphone for about a fiver in Tescos.
Title: Re: skype
Post by: Sandy x on July 13, 2007, 01:16:47 AM
Thank you Marie! I am enlightened......
Title: Re: skype
Post by: Eggy on July 13, 2007, 10:41:12 AM
You got me confused earlier with an " E E G " posting. Afraid we haven't Skype here but we are looking at the possibilites.
( Cuboards/Shelves all done - Just making a few minor adjustments to the doors )
Title: Re: skype
Post by: vivian on July 14, 2007, 11:39:04 PM
I know just what you mean mumsy2 a bit like when body languge is missing. I love my skpe and most of my friends that use it have webcam with it, its really great tosee them at the same time as chatting and as you say dosent cost a penny, well not after the £22 it cost us to set it up. Peraphs there should be space for our addresses on our profile, you can search for me on contacts at the same as my e-mail address. Viv
Title: Re: skype
Post by: Peter and Andrea on July 15, 2007, 07:50:12 PM
Quote from: Sandy Davies on July 12, 2007, 11:34:38 PM
Oh dear....I have never even heard of skype. Is this some horrible new device/system that I am going to have to master....or should I say mistress?

Freudian slip Sandy! Hope to see you later in the year.
Peter and Andrea