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Welcome to Arillas => Arillas general information => Topic started by: erric on May 15, 2007, 11:29:36 PM

Title: mozzies
Post by: erric on May 15, 2007, 11:29:36 PM
Can anyone tell me if mozzies are a problem in August ? I'm their favourite meal !!!!!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Fiona on May 16, 2007, 12:32:39 AM
Hi Erric

It's a good idea to use a repellent when you go out - especially at night.  Boots Aftersun with mosquito repellent is recommended by lots of people and seems to work well.  We always give the room a good spray before going out at night - get a mozzie spray from any of the local supermarkets.  We also burn the coils when sitting out on the balcony which seem to be pretty effective.

If you are unlucky enough to get bitten, don't forget that the sea is fantastic for taking the itch and swelling away!!

Enjoy your holiday
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: blondegirl on May 16, 2007, 12:59:07 AM
So was I last year along with the sand flies I was  a good meal for them for 2 weeks!

It took 3 weeks after I got back for them to go.  I am determined not to go through that again so I am armed to the teeth this year!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Shuey on May 16, 2007, 11:54:32 AM
We also take the plug ins and change them twice a day.  That keeps the little blighters out of the room!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Smiffypink on May 16, 2007, 12:13:54 PM
I am also armed with all i can get, in Tescos they have a travel size aerosol spray to kill mozzies, flies etc, its red with a black top, this is with all the suncreams and mozzie repellants etc, i have the plug in, the sprays to spray on ourselves, afterbite in case i do get bitten and in Boots they have suncream (their own brand) which has mozzie repellant in it in case theyre out when sunbathing (you never know)!

Also with the Boots own suncream, they come in little foil pouches with a screw on nozzle, these are ideal if you use say 3 different factors whilst away, this saves wastage cos you dont have to buy the big bottle size of each factor and plus they weigh alot less than the big bottles of suncream, so im getting those.

Going to get my last minute bits tonight or tomorrow then i can just concentrate on my holiday!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Shuey on May 16, 2007, 12:40:40 PM
You're well prepared then Smiffy - if they manage to bite you will all that, it will be a miracle!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: justlynn on May 16, 2007, 01:12:48 PM
Thanks Smiffy, I shall have to try the Boots suncream pouches this year.
Last year I used an Avon Insect Repellent in Croatia, but it seemed to have the reverse effect on the flying green beetles there - they loved it!!!
L  :}
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Joe on May 16, 2007, 01:18:29 PM
Quote from: Fiona on May 16, 2007, 12:32:39 AM
We also burn the coils when sitting out on the balcony which seem to be pretty effective.

This has to be the best possible advice, anything that burns seems to deter them the most, coils, scented candles, etc, are really effective.

Not sure what the best advice is when you're out and about at night other than to cover up as much as is comfortable, most of the UK repellents are very hit and miss. Smoking helps keep them at bay :) they don't like the smell.
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Smiffypink on May 16, 2007, 02:32:56 PM
Youre welcome, just thought people would appreciate the idea of the pouches as much as i do, theyre not bulky, theyre compact and no waste of loads of cream, i use 3 different factors when im away, start high and work my way down, i hated having to buy bottles of each and not using it all, then id end up just leaving it there save bringing it all the way home again, so the shops have cottoned on to this and are now doing little bottles or pouches, fab!!

Thats what i though aswell Shuey, but i bet one still feels brave and decides to hold its nose and come after me anyway :-) !
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: justlynn on May 16, 2007, 02:37:55 PM
I've heard the little blighters don't like the smell of Marmite either!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Shuey on May 16, 2007, 03:27:24 PM
I've been told that perfume/aftershave attracts them too - not sure how true it is!

If you get one in a week thats not so bad Smiffy!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Erja on May 16, 2007, 03:41:00 PM
I have heard that they don't like garlic, but in my case it is not true. I am their favourite dinner globally, any time anywhere. Once I get bitten the bites swell up quickly and then the manic itchy and scrathy show starts.

I also rely on the Boots suncream with the mozzie repellant in the evenings. In my apartment there is a plug in and the spray and the coils burning away on the balcony.
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Hels Bels on May 16, 2007, 03:53:05 PM
Well, I covered myself in mozzie repellant moisturiser, used the plug in thingy, had a citronella candle going on the balcony and on the last night my other half left the apartment door open. I am now the proud owner of about 20 very itchy swelling mozzie bites! At least when the suntan fades, the scars will still show!!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Joe on May 16, 2007, 04:19:07 PM
never ever leave the windows or doors open at night, nothing can combat that :)
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Hels Bels on May 16, 2007, 04:27:44 PM
I know, but hubby was enjoying a last evening on the balcony and forgot! Lets say he'll never forget again!!!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Joe on May 16, 2007, 04:33:52 PM
its worse if you fall asleep on the balcony!!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: alyvin on May 17, 2007, 12:29:48 AM
Don't forget- a daily antihistamine and lashings of hydrocortisone cream if you do get bitten. You only have to miss a square inch of skin and the little blighters will have a go!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: blondegirl on May 17, 2007, 12:51:38 AM
If they get in they have to get out somewhere otherwise they just buzz around all night. The plug ins and citronella things dont kill them, they are just a deterrent.  We generally close the shutters, open the window a bit and close the curtains then they can escape.  Spraying the rooms helps.  I have citronella/lemon grass oil and dilute it when I get there in small bottles and spray literally everything, cupboards, window frames, bedding and even the wardrobes and have lemon joss sticks going all the time.  The rooms smells like a lemony hippy den!

As for me... well, I just smother myself in marmite and garlic.... no one comes near me!  Oh, and wrap myself up like a mummy in the sheet at night!  What a palaver!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Karen/Colin on May 17, 2007, 09:27:49 PM
mosiguard creams or roll-on is a good deterrant & do avoid the perfumed deodorants & perfumes. best to smell au naturel. I have also heard that vit b compound puts the blighters off. We got a few bites last year, mainly when we were sat on the balcony.

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<img border="0" src=";10731;0/st/20070806/e/Holidays/dt/5/k/a1f9/event.png"></a>
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: ANNnRICK41 on May 30, 2007, 12:36:34 AM
Just booked our first holiday to Arillas, and like lots of others, I am usually a target for the Mozzies .. will they be bad in June?  If so I had better start OD'ing on the Marmite for the next week .. only thing I have ever found that helps!

Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: tracey&peter on May 30, 2007, 01:15:38 AM
Well I eat marmite every morning, drink plenty of Gin & Tonic in the evening, smother myself in anti mozzie stuff - returned from Arillas yesterday and sporting 14 bites that all itch like crazy - the little blighters are everywhere you go.
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Lisa and Steve on May 30, 2007, 09:17:09 AM
I eat marmite every day on holiday and am starting now. I also wear purfume every night but take antihistamine tablets for an allergy but, touch wood, I dont get bitten. I think some people they take a shine to and others they leave alone. Glad I am one of the latter.
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: gaye on May 30, 2007, 12:56:11 PM
ANNnRICK  hope that you don't mond my asking, but how did you get your yellow ribbon for Madeleine?
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: alyvin on May 30, 2007, 02:37:59 PM
Just got back from Arillas and I didn't get bitten once! Usually get badly bitten despite sun tan lotion with repellent/ after sun with repellent, followed by a layer of DEET! The only change this time was my shower gel was Molton Browns Warming Eucalyptus. Out to buy another bottle now for my next holiday!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: vivian on May 31, 2007, 10:26:34 AM
Pete and I went 7th - 21st, only got bitten twice, normally bitten to death (well almost) did nothing different to normal except used liqued instead of tablets in the plugg in. Viv
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: kriopigi girl on May 31, 2007, 11:43:12 AM
I always used the tablets until last year and tried the liquid amd found it much better for the room.

Been on the marmite and  vit b complex for past 2 weeks. Fully armed with deet spray and wipes. The little mites just love me !!!!!!!! 

                                      pauline x
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: ANNnRICK41 on June 05, 2007, 12:22:56 AM
Quote from: gaye on May 30, 2007, 12:56:11 PM
ANNnRICK  hope that you don't mond my asking, but how did you get your yellow ribbon for Madeleine?

I have is saved as an avatar, if you want to send me a private message with your email I will forward it to you.

Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: The Nickster on June 06, 2007, 04:00:31 PM
Something i tried last year that seemed to work (i did not get bitten once!!) is to take Vitamin B1 a few weeks before travelling and while abroad, apparently the mossies hate the smell (like marmite), this was on top of using the Boots remedies, i was bite free :)
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Shuey on June 13, 2007, 05:45:29 PM
Got back yesterday and was bite free until the last night.  Came home with 5 on my right foot!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: justlynn on June 13, 2007, 09:59:09 PM
Oh what a nuisance, Shuey - to go all holiday then get all those on the last night.  Bet you had a great time though?
lynn x
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Shuey on June 14, 2007, 12:46:50 PM
We had a great time thanks Lynn.

Back at work today and two of the bites are rubbing on my shoes - nightmare!
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: sheila on June 14, 2007, 06:04:22 PM
I was told about vitamin b and I have been taking it every day for weeks, don't go till August so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works.
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: blondegirl on June 15, 2007, 11:34:22 AM
Is that Vit. B6 or 1...?  I am going to get some today, what with that and double the dose of Cod Liver Oil I should be in "perfect working" order... LOL

Only thing is Mikes knee is playing up again!  cant believe it, he goes all year without any trouble and now it is swelling up again and is sore.. he's off to the docs I think before we go!  He had such a swollen and painful leg last year he couldnt walk far in Arillas and when we got back after the flight it was worse, poor old thing, I dont want it to spoil his holiday.
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Smiffypink on June 15, 2007, 11:44:14 AM
I hope he is swollen knee free for your holiday, nothing worse than a painful joint to spoil your holiday.
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: blondegirl on June 15, 2007, 04:43:31 PM
He says it feels better today, thank goodness!

I went and got the Vit B complex and more marmite today... LOL.  its almost like having a vaccination!   Lets hope it works.. :)
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Ang on June 16, 2007, 02:07:47 PM
Must say that after years of being Mr Mozzies most fav dinner date,I think I got it right last year, I took the antihistamines 2 weeks prior and continued for the week we were there, did the spray every night and slapped on loads of the cream if I got a bite and it worked no more huge weeping red blobs...(i get a real bad reaction to mozzie bites and have got the scars and lumps still with me)
now the marmite tip may be another bonus as I have only just started eating it on a bit of toast for lunch some days and have got to like it.
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: sinbads little girl on July 10, 2007, 11:40:57 PM
well they wernt to bad last septemeber but there was the odd one we had loadz of sprays and that but there not as gud as they still get u.i can say if u do get bit put tea tree oil on them you can buy these as spot stickes in boots or wilkos also try taken vitimin b1 and garlic capsualse also try cooking with lots of garlic 2weeks before and try take the b1 an garlic tablets 2weeks before try not to forget them keep taken them while your there.lil miss.hannah
Title: Re: mozzies
Post by: Lindypops on July 10, 2007, 11:46:07 PM
I`m back to chewing raw garlic.