Arillas Forum

Welcome to Arillas => Arillas general information => Topic started by: Ian C on August 24, 2009, 02:32:11 AM

Title: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: Ian C on August 24, 2009, 02:32:11 AM
Hi everyone,
     My family and I are staying at the Makris Apartments in late September through to October and I have noticed its position on the Aeriel map, the distance doesn't bother me but I am wondering whether we may require a torch for our walk to and from Arillas. ( forgive me if this question is a bit daft - and please feel free to tell me if it is)   Thanks...... Ian
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: justphil on August 24, 2009, 02:52:26 AM
Hi Ian. Makris isn't that far out - nowhere is in Arillas. As for the torch, we never bothered when we stayed at Elena Stella last September. And true to form, we often walked home at silly o' clock in the morning....

Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: iluvsangeorge on August 24, 2009, 09:26:37 AM
Personally I would say take one,  just a small light one. For one thing in the autumn thunderstorms are quite common and sometimes cause lengthy power cuts across the area.  Then it is useful to have a torch ... as long as you know where it is.
Twice we have arrived in a power cut and had to grope for the torch in the suitcase.
Apartments and hotels can be pretty dark places. Although just taking a torch wouldn't have helped a couple of years ago when a power cut occurred when I was all shampooed up in the shower. Talk about dark ? It is quite unnerving when you can touch your nose without being able to see your hand and in a strange room too !  I couldn't even remember which way I was facing or where the towel was.

Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: justlynn on August 24, 2009, 09:44:55 AM
Lol, Dennis, that must have been so disorientating!

Ian, I would also advise taking a light torch, you may need one....

lynn xx
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: Lisa and Steve on August 24, 2009, 09:53:33 AM
When are you going Ian.We will also be at the Makris.
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: Ian C on August 24, 2009, 07:51:47 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone, We'll be there on the 28th September .....can't wait!!!
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: Lisa and Steve on August 24, 2009, 10:17:33 PM
Will miss you we go home on 28th.
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: Ian C on August 24, 2009, 11:47:28 PM
Don't leave your room in a mess then as it may be mine .....Ha ha !!!  have a great time!!
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: Paul & Denise on August 25, 2009, 12:29:30 AM
For what space it will take up, I would pop one in the case, it can be a bit dark on the road to Makris. We are staying at the Rainbow from 28th Sept flying from East midlands so surely will bump into you sometime during our stay , enjoy we can't wait either!!.
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: blondegirl on August 25, 2009, 01:47:00 AM
might be useful for jumping over the dead frogs in the road.. some of them are live ones too....  we never need a torch but Dennis is right  in case of a power cut, we had them last September, one lasted for nearly 2 days... so some night lights or candles are a good idea too, but you can buy them in the shops there.

The Makris isnt as far as it looks and it is all flat road.
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: TerryW on August 25, 2009, 04:46:54 PM
A head torch could come in handy for any minor problems in the dark :-)
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: justphil on August 25, 2009, 07:05:13 PM
Boom boom Terry! Was I the only minor (miner) who saw that? Tania Papadpolous (our doctor's wife who is also a doctor) sewed up my dog bite and used one in broad daylight to treat me. She looked quite daunting going in with her head torch.... I reckon Scargill is her Union chief...

But as you know, I love strong women, I have one of my own. And I couldn't stop talking. I gave her a typical, phil's big hug as we left.

When I related it to Dimitris and family the next day I was asked "did she bite the other hand???" Irini of art shop fame just dissolved in laughter. (Hasten to say it wasn't Dimitris who said it, before I get him into any more trouble...)

After a game about paperwork - I must have lost the receipt - she had to phone up and pore through the records to find it and make me a copy. Well the good result was that because I had an EHIC ?? (thank yous forum - would never have bothered without all the posts about it) I didn't even get charged the excess by the insurance.

Still dreaming about this doctor in a head torch....

Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: lesleyg on August 25, 2009, 08:38:24 PM
Got back from the Makris at 7 am this morning (still not slept yet).  The road down to the beach is fairly well lit but be warned.  On our first night, taking the shortcut past Elena Stella and the bus garage, My husband tripped over a black hose pipe left at the side of the path and cut his face to ribbons on the rough stones.  Lots of blood but no serious damage but it wasn't the best start to our holiday.  It did improve considerably after that and we had a fantastic holiday as I'm sure you will but it did make him wary of walking too far at night.
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: justphil on August 25, 2009, 09:09:17 PM
lovely humorous contribution lesley. The start of mine was a very bloody dog bite within half an hour of arriving. But like they said, did it affect my trip to Arillas? Er No. Seven stitches and endless other bits? It's priorities. NOTHING would stop me. Oh alright, a gunshot to the head might but then I'd haunt yous all....

We know that path intimately. Last September we walked it ?? times. The black hose pipe has been there since then at least... Wish I had remembered about it - could have warned yous!

We call it "Mad Alley" along that stretch of road between Tria and Rainbow. Others have christened the hill to Mathraki, Zorbas and Christos "cardiac hill."

Please post soon about the truth of Makris. There are several forum members going there in the next few weeks.

Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: Sandy x on August 25, 2009, 09:44:59 PM
Never mind the hose was the barking dogs at my heels that traumatised me going through that path!
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: justphil on August 25, 2009, 10:04:29 PM
Sany meluvver can just believe it. Lara and Cookie champing at your heels!

But last year if you'd bent down to stroke them they would have licked you not bitten yous. I took them both on a midnight (or later) swimming odyssey last September. It was a question of who got more wet. We all had a lovely time. Jen was quarantined by mozzies so I ended up on my own with the two dogs. We didn't borrow orange tablecloths though....

I was reported to Dimitris this year. I still wonder who grassed me up....(couldn't have been the forum, they didn't know) But I do might late commune with nature regardless. Jokes aside, I love to laugh and I love to live. Arillas delivers both.
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: Janis on August 26, 2009, 01:58:31 AM
Phil - "After a game about paperwork - I must have lost the receipt - she had to phone up and pore through the records to find it and make me a copy" - with your experience shouldn't it be PAW through the records???   lol x
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: justphil on August 26, 2009, 02:32:46 AM
laughing out loud Janis, justluvving the humour. See - I can do my own version of this mobile phone language and crap. Dimitris can put the stars or bleeps in... (Sorry mate!)

You found Arillas this year like others did. We aren't all mad but always thought we were. Well I did and Jen thought I was too. But she took me back to Arillas in October 2007, and met Eggy, and life has never been the same since. He introduced us to this mad house (Jo Wisset's words or was it SharonF's?)

Do I require a torch? Of course you do matey - to see your way throuh the madness of this forum!!!

And the Arilliacs - on my last review they are all in need of psychiatric treatment!!

kalinichta forum
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: sharonF on August 26, 2009, 11:59:30 AM
Quote from: justphil on August 26, 2009, 02:32:46 AM

And the Arilliacs - on my last review they are all in need of psychiatric treatment!!

kalinichta forum

LOL, Phil, that made me belly laugh,  xxxx
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: Ian C on August 26, 2009, 10:44:59 PM
I'll try to remember the barking dogs - wifeys terrified of them and half of the kids are- still it might stop them dawdling!!!!!haha!!
Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: ANN on August 26, 2009, 11:48:06 PM
Walking back to the Makris a few years ago, one of our party managed to find a hole on the right hand side of the road, just a few yards before the steps up to the Makris pool. Several visits to the excellent Medical Centre and sutures were required.

The staff at the Makris were very kind and offered lifts to the beach and restaurants during the rest of our stay.  We had a lovely holiday in spite of the mishap (which is still a source of amusement for our family).

The hole probably isn't there any more and I don't remember the road being particularly dark but.........I'd recommend a little torch in case of a power cut.

Title: Re: Stupid question but Do I require a torch?
Post by: blondegirl on August 27, 2009, 04:15:50 PM
 We "creep" around the back of the Eleni studios short cut for 3 reasons.... 1) cant see where we are going 2) in case the little dog comes out and attacks us which always makes me jump 3) we might get caught, we always feel like we are trespassing... after our last escapade of taking a shortcut and walking across the stream through the greenhouses opposite the Brouklis and being told off we are a bit reluctant now to stray from the roads.